La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Today's Power rangers is soo funny. HAHAH. especially Time force where all the male rangers, except Eric that is, was all in love with this mutant because of some spell. And all of them were fighting each other over the girl. And Jen was of course jealous that Wes was in love with someone else. As usual, Eric didn't appear. except for that one split second in the song...sigh, that one second made me smile anyway, and he probably won't be appearing next week too. Wild force was ok, and a bit funny at the part where the princess push Merrick jokingly and she pushed too hard and he fell of the bridge. of course, he morphed on the way and was unharmed. But it was so funny and the princess looked so shocked.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Athena and Rachel Leow!


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