La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, April 16, 2007

So I came back to check out Blogger for a bit, and they forced me to switch to that Google account, but well, it wasn't much trouble.

All in all, I still prefer Livejournal's system. In addition, I know how to customize my own layouts for Livejournal and I'm too lazy to do it for blogger.

Been busy of late. I'm really tired of school, and really, I can't wait for the break so I can relax for a bit. It's been a while since I had time to sit down a read a good book. I'm still waiting to read GRRM's book. I bought it so long ago but I haven't gotten round to reading it yet. But I'm sure that once I start reading, I won't be able to stop and considering the fact that my Finals are around the corner, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. But I'm really in love with the first book, I even brought it into Italian class. We had a topic once where we had to talk about a book or a film and I brought in A game of thrones.

And boy, I had such a hard time explaining it because the plot is so complicated and I had to explain it all in Italian and my teacher was confused, but I had fun :D

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why am I always hungry? :)

I feel like a different person when I'm alone. I could say I'm insane. lol.. for some reasons, I'm just strangely happy. I think I was wrong in the previous entry. It wasn't cynicism. I am truly happy for no particular reason. I suppose I am just satisfied. I beam at the distant valley as I walk home, I let my huge coat flap behind me as I strut home. and I'm feeling good.. bambambambam..
okay.. I need to listen to Michael Buble right now.

But I don't think I've changed. I'm always like this when I'm alone, strangely happy. But I know from experience that when I'm with others, I'm still me. The strange person who doesn't talk and keeps to oneself. And I suppose I'm fine with that. I'm not exactly reserved, but I'm a relatively private person compared to some others. It's fun to talk about yourself once in a while ;) but I don't like going too deep. and that's just how I am.

After a while, I've stopped feeling lonely. I guess, I don't really mind being all alone. I'm not exactly sure how to handle people really. There has been many occassions where people were interested in talking to me. and I did try. but I just didn't know what to say, so all I did was smile. I suppose, I simply have no idea what to tell a complete stranger. I can tell after a moment that slowly, the person interest in me fizzles out as he/she goes off to find a more interesting companion. But quite strangely, I don't mind. It's no use to force it anyways. As far as I know, I'm not really all that boring. lol..

oh dear, how I prattle to myself. But it feels so oddly relaxing typing to myself like this.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

For some reasons, I just felt like writing here for today instead of @ LJ. It's ironical how my LJ seems no longer private. I'm seriously thinking of making it a private journal and delete all my friends. But I'm always shunning away from people, so I guess I should open up a bit.

Well, something small has happened and the way I reacted to it made me realize what a worthless and boring life I'm living. But mah... I get upset for one day and the next day I can't be bothered anymore. That's how I am these days. I can't seem to care about anything anymore.

I'm always feeling a surge of happiness I realize. When I walk, I'll be smiling and everyone passes by me unnoticed. But it feels bitter. It feels like some sort of twisted joy derived from cynicism. I feel I'm always so cold inside. I smile a lot, but I think I'm cold and dead inside. But again, I don't care. I just laugh it all away and strut around like the world spins for me.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hi I'm back! Not that anyone's still reading this anyways, but there are lots of entries in blogger that I still want to keep despite having already switched to regular (well when I feel like it) writing at LJ.

I decided to do away with the previous layout because the stupid tagboard caused pop-ups to open whenever I click on something and it's annoying. So it's back to the lovely comments system since I've grown so used to it on LJ.

Actually I am in no mood to talk/type these days.. so I shall just go about in continuing my daily monotonous life. :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Well... haven't posted here in eons. FYI, I'm mostly using LJ now. I like it there better... so.. yeah. I'll post random stuffs here occassionaly I guess.

THings are the same as usual. Fall term is okay. I'm not too keen on it right now. The hills are YELLOW!!! EWWW!! Can't wait till Spring again. I Don't like yellow hilss no siree!

I'm taking German. Okay so far, only been for two times. Somehow I'm not hyperventilating or anything, have my interest died out? Nooo... Italian class is chaotic, purely chaotic. Physics class is weird. Lab.. i don't know yet.

My housemate told me about 2nd term Jap class and it does sound fun to me. Their Finals would be to sing a Jap song/read a passage in Jap. haha.. i could pass that any day. Singing Jap songs I mean. but nah..I know Jap class would have been fun and probably less chaotic cos' more people are taking it unlike Italian class. So their classes wouldn't have been a combination of 2nd,3rd,4th levels like italian. So so chaotic. But i guess, GERMAN IS GREAT TOO! ~Yosh~! I shall work hard!

Ich ich ich ich...ich bin... haha.. nothign better to say and I don't know many German words and my Italian is slipping away fast.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I just found out that one of my most favorite fantasy writers, David Gemmell, had passed away.


Tragic! I really wasn't expecting it. I didn't even know the author looked like but I thought he couldn't be very old or anything. He was 57. and I've been seeing new books coming out in Borders and all along I just thought he'll still be there. And now his Troy series would be unfinished...

I really liked the Rigante series. The characters were described perfectly and wonderfully and he had a way of connecting his characters to readers and it's really wonderful! No other fantasy writer had made me successfully cry when reading the book except for his "Ravenheart" and Tolkien's "LOTR:The two towers".

Well, I do recommend his books to people who likes fantasy. The best elements of his books are his realistic yet heroic characters. When I told my brother the news, his mercenary instincts took over and he immediately remarked on how Gemmell's books would start to get more expensive. Sheesh...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ah... the Berkeley air does me much good. After a stifling, sweltering hot time back at home, my visit here is literally like a breath of fresh air. The wind is cooling compared to the warm wind that makes your skin burn back in PH.

and yes, it is actually pretty cold here. Such that I have to put on my sweater at night. It is a lovely day and I'm convinced I'm neurotic.

Sometimes I think it would be a mighty fine thing to be a little more normal.