La nuova alba

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ahhh... nostalgia! haha I used to watch this guy on TV everytime when I was a kid. I probably thought him the coolest guy then. I still remember his TV name too! Kotaro Minami! Found out that the Japanese title was Kamen Rider Black RX. wow... and it was such an old show too. First screened one month after I was born.. haha.. But I watched it like when I was 5-6 or so and I loved it so much. So Kotaro would do some actions and ta-dah, he changes into a black armor with a funny helmet. I remembered missing one episode because I had an afternoon nap and cried my eyes out.. hahaa.. the most memorable episode was about the little girl hitomi who was grew up when the bad guy bathed her under this waterfall or whatever. I used to think the girl all grown up was really pretty. But I can't remember how she looks like anymore, so I wanna see, but I couldn't find any pictures.

Had a weird dream last night. Dreamt that I was back in school and a classroom where people sat in rows of 4. and my classmates were familiar people from SMSS or SAJC. None from DVC. I think Kelly was sitting on my right. But guess who sat on my left? It was Haley Joel Osment! But it wasn't the grown up one, it was the same cute little boy. And when you have a cute little boy in your class, imagine what kind of funny dream it must be right?
Haley used to be so unbelievingly cute! Even when I was watching A.I, i was like O_O what an adorable boy!!! How old is he? Boy, was I shocked when I found out he was the same age as I was.
Plus, he looks so different now, i don't even know what to describe it. I looked at his boy pictures and sometimes wish he never grew up. He used to be like angelically cute!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

I climbed a tree today. It was up a high hill, not your normal green hill, but a hill full of wheat like grass. No idea whether they were wheat But they looked like wheats, had the same color and grew as tall as well.

I was having Barbeque with the International Students' Club and I couldn't resist not climbing a hill. And as expected, no sane girl would want to join me up the trek, plus I didn't know many people there. So, I went up myself. There is something about hills. They seem to sing a soothing song that lulls me there, just like a charm. I seem to have to climb every climable hill I see. The hill was pretty steep and it was a change from the usual green. And then I saw the tree. A beautiful big tree. It took a bit of an effort to climb and oh boy, I was so happy. I sat on the branch and looked down at the miniscule people below. I've always liked the feeling of being on top of the world. MUAHAHAA... I'm the KING, I'm the King of the castle. haha.. sometimes I feel a lot like Kingshaw. Suddenly miss Lit class...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Every few times a year, we give a loud shout of joy for END OF EXAMS!! YAY! My Finals ended today HAHA! So happy! That's it, Spring term is OVER! It's the shortest Finals I ever had because normally exams in Singapore span over weeks, this time, I just had a day of two Finals and that's all. Had to study pretty hard for them though because it's like a whole book of knowledge.

I just hope I can get A for both Math and Anthropology too. I realized i wasted my time doing anthro extra credits. I took like days to finish all of them and they're worth 5-6 points. And today I handed in my notebook, which i consistently worked on, and i got 105 points!!! 5 points extra for being great. hohoho! at least my efforts weren't wasted. and it was so weird. Mr Johnson came in like half an hour late for the Finals and I was like turning into a bag of nerves waiting for him because I was so anxious to end the exam. and he came in bringing cookies! haha there was like oreo etc. and we kept passing the cookies around and the guy beside me looked extremely pissed when i passed him the cookie, he refused to pass it on and just left it there.

Math exam took me extremely long. It was just 30 questions, but i was stuck on this one question. It's like BLAST I can't get the answer!! I thought I will probably take like 1 hour and a half longest to finish the paper, but no! I was like stuck. I kept trying and trying to figure it out. the good thing is, the teacher says he doesn't like time limit, so we can do the thing as long as we want. So, that's what some of us did. Surprisingly, a lot of people stayed behind. It seemed like they were stuck on the same question too. I finally figured it out, it should be correct, methink. and the whole thing took me 2 hours 5 minutes, for THIRTY questions!! i think i took like half an hour for that particular question. sheesh, i can be such an idiot sometimes. I handed in the paper to Mr Carne and i couldn't help but smile. I mean, I'm happy. wahaha... and he was like smiling back and wishing me a good summer and telling me about Indonesia's volcano eruption. ahaha.. after he found out I was Indonesian, he seemed to be telling me a lot of Indonesian news. but yeah, he's a great teacher, really nice. sometimes I get bored, but I never worked so hard for Math before till I came here. so yeah. I don't think my statistics teacher will be that good, in fact, i heard he just teaches off the book and doesn't interact much with students. sigh. wanted another teacher actually, but he was so popular that his class was already closed the moment i tried to register.

Well, anyways.. SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!! Wheeeee! Film and English class in summer, not too bad I daresay, and I better practice my Italian before I forget it all. and I met Megumi in the library today, she's taking the same film class as me. :D

-Free happy days .... till June 19

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I finally finished all my anthropology extra credits!!! GOSH! I'm like so sick of them! I want to holler scream jump in joy! weeheee!!!!!!!

There's actually only 4 extra credits (and they're worth puny points) but they take sooo blastedly long to do. The ones on the Tiktaaliks were okay cos it only took me like 2hours total. the rest were just a nightmare!! The primates one took me about 4 hours. The zoo!!! oh gosh, the zoo one!!! It took me like 3 days to finish it!!! and the ones on the homo floresiensis ones too. That pissed me off so bad cos it was so difficult and it took me a really long time. I think I spent like more than 6 hours total on that piece of extra credit alone. and how many points is it worth, like 4-5 puny points. GAH!

there's still the final piece of extra credit of course. My notebook. I've been working so hard on my notebook since the beginning of the year. I pour hours of tender loving care to my notebook, finding articles to cut and paste in, summarizing my textbooks, rewriting class notes neatly etc. so he had better give me a good grade.

Sigh. so happy. no more extra credits except the notebook left. :D

My Finals are next week. But I'm not behaving like it is.
For example, I am not going to school tomorrow, instead I have taken up my sister's offer to go somewhere and have fun! haha. She just finished her Finals. She hasn't slept the whole day and honestly, I hardly saw her for the past few weeks.

I have four subjects actually. But I got an A for both Psychology and Italian already, so the Finals are optional. As for Math and Anthropology, so far I've gotten As, but still gotta take the darn finals. Pretty worried for Math actually, it could actually bring down my grade.

Looks like I'm pretty free after all. Just gotta work on my Math and Anthropology, and then it's holiday!! (At least until my summer classes start)
Talking about summer, sigh, the weather has been blissful these days. It's nice and warm and sunny. Yipee. I hope it doesn't get too hot in summer.