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Friday, July 28, 2006

I just found out that one of my most favorite fantasy writers, David Gemmell, had passed away.


Tragic! I really wasn't expecting it. I didn't even know the author looked like but I thought he couldn't be very old or anything. He was 57. and I've been seeing new books coming out in Borders and all along I just thought he'll still be there. And now his Troy series would be unfinished...

I really liked the Rigante series. The characters were described perfectly and wonderfully and he had a way of connecting his characters to readers and it's really wonderful! No other fantasy writer had made me successfully cry when reading the book except for his "Ravenheart" and Tolkien's "LOTR:The two towers".

Well, I do recommend his books to people who likes fantasy. The best elements of his books are his realistic yet heroic characters. When I told my brother the news, his mercenary instincts took over and he immediately remarked on how Gemmell's books would start to get more expensive. Sheesh...


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