La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


It seems like I have to decide between German and Japanese faster than I thought. I thought i had all my fall classes done and there was no need for any change. But I thought about it. If I take the language next spring, I only have 3 terms to do it before I transfer. That's not enough! I need like at least 4!! So that means I have to take one language this fall. crap. I still can't make my decision.

It's like I'll be learning 2nd term Italian at the same time. So whatever this language is, it will be difficult for me to learn because I will be learning 2 at one time. I know for one that German will definitely be the more difficult of the two due to the pronounciation and spelling and grammar and all. Of course Jap will be difficult too, but it seems to be more umm... manageable. I don't know, maybe I just can't get over that mini trauma of one German conversational class where I didn't understand the teacher, couldn't read her handwriting and 90% of the class already knew German from high school.

If I take Jap and work at it, I think I might be able to get an A. But I'm not so sure for German. plus my mom says it'll be easier for me to practice Jap since I watch Jap stuffs and have Japanese friends. It's practically impossible to practice German. But if I take Jap, I know there will be this tug at my heart that says, If you go to Germany, you will cry. Definitely. If I go to Germany not being able to speak a single word of German, I will certainly go mad. I wish the world cup can decide for me. But currently it's Germany Vs Italy. Not much help eh? If there was one such match Germany vs. Japan. hehe... but I guess Germany will win. bwahaha... okay.. I'm offending all Japs supporters out there. sorry sorry. and waaaaaa I need a TV i want to watch!!!!

GAH! Maybe I'll try and find my counselor and ask him. I'll probably make my decision say end of this week or maybe next. Before the classes are all closed. If I really can't make a decision, maybe I'll sign up for German class, sit in for Japanese class and see which one I like better. I have a feeling ... German.


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