La nuova alba

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Friday, June 30, 2006


The internet battle was long and arduos. Armed with no prior skills to networking nor internet connection, our poor bronze knight was faced with a terrible fight that spelled death. He was forced countless times to battle Comcast techinicians on the phone for hours, tired and wounded at the end.

The spar started with a scheduled peacemaking ceremony at a certain time. The diplomat from the warring internet country was LATE! The bronze knight had to battle the Comcast technician on the phone and finally, the diplomat arrived. To our hero's horror, he had not skills in diplomacy (or should i say wireless routers). the two settled a peaceful agreement on the modem and the diplomat left. To our hero's horror, one hour after the diplomat left, the internet surprised him with a disconnected/limited connection war!!

Three days later, the bronze knight battled once again with the Comcast technician, who was actually a very nice knight himself. In the end, our hero got rid of the wireless routed and connected directly to the modem, thus ending the problem for the meantime. HOWEVER, the internet proved to be trouble again. Everytime our hero tried to connect, he could not! He had to go through the trouble of murdering the modem, praying for it, and reviving it with a miracle pill before the internet would be at ease again. OH! WHAT A TROUBLE!

So, the bronze knight once again battles with a different comcast technician, who said he would send another diplomat over. The bronze knight was happy. On that day, the bronze knight waited. and waited. and waited. The diplomat was 2 hours late! He battled again with a comcast technician, who told him that they had gotten the time wrong and that the diplomat had arrived earlier that morning and there was no one at home (because our hero was out in the knights' academy) Seething, the bronze knight raised his spear and demanded the Comcast technician to schedule another peaceful agreement. It was set to today, from 9-11AM.

The Bronze Knight awoke early today. He waited patiently for the diplomat. Time passed by. 10..11..12...1... Our hero was losing his temper. He battled again with a Comcast technician, who made him hang on the line for 13 mins before finally telling him "I shall ask my comrade about it." After a long wait, the bronze knight received a message saying, "The diplomat shall arrive at about 2.30 -3.00 PM" Our hero wept.

The diplomat arrived at 3.15PM. The bronze knight jumped in joy even though he was 4 hours late. He knew about the wireless, but only connected it physically. The bronze knight had to finish off the rest of the battle himself. Happily, the bronze knight waved the diplomat on his way. The battle was almost over!! Calming his beating heart, the bronze knight prepared for his finaly battle to configure the wireless router. BUT NOOOOo

The INTERNET sends a whole wave of its evil minions again and our hero was cut off from the internet!! Frustrated, our hero tries every means from killing the modem, to killing the router to reviving them countless times and resetting their brains. After a couple of failed attempts, the bronze knight tried dejectedly one last time... CONNECTED. Carefully, our hero plans a detailed plan to vanquish the enemy once and for all. He carefully researched pre-researched strategies and was about to put a password to secure the wireless connection. BUT nooo, the key was invalid. Our hero screamed in agony and the internet sent him a shock wave of terror. He carefully sought the advice of other knights all over the world fighting a battle and realized the password key had to contain certain letters. Inputting the key, it WORKED!

The Bronze knight jumped in joy. But he had one last thing to do... reboot the router. It could go both ways... that the internet raise another battle and refuse to connect him. Or... it could go well. Closing his eyes, the bronze knight pulled the plug....

The battle was over. Our hero sighed. He rode over to his home base and clicked on the wireless network and input the password. Everything was over.

*diplomat: Comcast technicians who come to the house
*battle: phone calls to comcast technicians
*murder and revive: unplug and plug
*peacemaking ceremony: comcast technicans coming to the house to fix the internet problem


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