La nuova alba

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Monday, June 19, 2006


Just climbed 3 hill up to my sister's house again. Actually I never planned to come here since I was just getting acquainted with my new house (which I moved into last night at 11pm) It's still pretty much a mess. Hope to clear it up soon. BUT I had left my bag of toiletries in my sister's car!! It had everything from my hair brush to my glasses to my toothbrush etc. So i was like ACK! No choice but to come down here after school today. My knee joints are starting to hurt each time I climb. Sigh.

And yes, School. Today was the first day of summer school. Had English at 8.15 in the morning. But I live.... 5 minutes walk from school (10 to classes!) so.. bwahaha.. i woke up at like 7.30 Glorious! English classes sounds pretty good. This teacher seems to be pretty relaxed grader and despite the short 7 weeks, we don't have that much work either. I mean, compared to my previous English teacher (Harrummph!!), now we have to read two short stories from our books daily, submit a reading response on (ONE!!!) story twice a week and we have 3 essays to do plus some quizzes. WOW! My previous teacher... we had to do a reading response on EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! (mad woman!) and it's due every class, we have 5 essays to do and the books are so darn boring too!

Thankfully, my English books look ok. I've read one story so far. It's called The Pacific and other short stories. I think i will like it. The author tends to write beautiful/sorrowful stories related to war and tragedies like 9/11. I really think I will like it. Haven't gotten to reading the other book yet, but the foreword was hilarious! It's called The best American nonrequired reading. These two books look good enought to keep. Unlike the previous 3 books I used in my last english class, which I couldn't wait to sell after classes end.

FIlm class... was a tad bit weird at first. You see, my professor started talking in this really LOUD voice. And he was making his stand on how we were not allowed to be late, miss classes, talk in his class etc. And he went on to how he would drop us from the class if we're late and stuff. I mean, he was really Loud but I think he's a good teacher. He makes his stand very clear from the beginning that as long as we follow the three rules, we are guaranteed a B in the class. I was like woow... and yesh, I think film class is going to be a very interesting class!!

He showed us some snippets of films today. He just explained some of the techniques the director used and it's really cool. Like he showed us "the Replacement Killers" and "007 Goldfinger" and he was tellign us about color. cos the main character always wore black and white to show that there's two sides to them, good and bad. And in the replacement killers, Chow Yun Fat had a red tie and in 007, Sean Connery had a red rose on his side pocket. The red symbolism signifies that they are both sinners. Yep, he explained other things as well and gave us a list of movies we might we watching. There are some from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000 including Pirates of the Carribean. haha... my housemate loves that show. But it was funny cos i asked her about it and she had no idea what the heck Pirates of the Carribean was.
I was like you know, Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp.
She was like HUH?
I was like Orlando Bloom?
She said HUH?
I said: You know the second movie that is coming in July. YES? Pirates of the Carribean 2?
She said: OHhhh yeah! I LOVE THE MOVIE!!


Tomorrow we are watching Rain Man. ooh... must come to class on time.. must come to class on time. If i'm late, i'm dead.

By the way, I won't be having internet probably till I come to my sister's place again (probably Thursday) The modem hasn't arrived yet, so I can't get connected. oh and ppl, Read my story on fictionpress! It's ending soon. and I need more reviews.. esp Vicki's one, she owes me TWO.


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