La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I finally finished all my anthropology extra credits!!! GOSH! I'm like so sick of them! I want to holler scream jump in joy! weeheee!!!!!!!

There's actually only 4 extra credits (and they're worth puny points) but they take sooo blastedly long to do. The ones on the Tiktaaliks were okay cos it only took me like 2hours total. the rest were just a nightmare!! The primates one took me about 4 hours. The zoo!!! oh gosh, the zoo one!!! It took me like 3 days to finish it!!! and the ones on the homo floresiensis ones too. That pissed me off so bad cos it was so difficult and it took me a really long time. I think I spent like more than 6 hours total on that piece of extra credit alone. and how many points is it worth, like 4-5 puny points. GAH!

there's still the final piece of extra credit of course. My notebook. I've been working so hard on my notebook since the beginning of the year. I pour hours of tender loving care to my notebook, finding articles to cut and paste in, summarizing my textbooks, rewriting class notes neatly etc. so he had better give me a good grade.

Sigh. so happy. no more extra credits except the notebook left. :D


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