La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Everytime I go downtown, the weather seems to go against me. For the past few weeks, I didn't go anywhere and the weather was perfectly fine. But the moment I decide to go downtown, it starts to rain like the previous time again.

Today I went down to Borders again and it started to rain and get really cold. After eating some Hawaiian BBQ, Michelle and I walked to Borders shivering. I was at the Bargain section and saw this book "Scotland from the air" for 5.99 haha.. i snapped it up immediately. SCOTLAND! :D What I didn't like was that the aerial view of Scotland isn't as nice as the normal view. Everything seems so tiny and I couldn't even tell some thing was a castle until I looked in real close. I still prefer that book I borrowed from SMSS library. The photographs are beautifully taken and I almost ran off with the book. I saw another really thick book, about the size of a huge encyclopedia on the holocaust. It's full of pictures, interesting excerpt and I was really really tempted to get it because it was 19.99. Not exactly cheap, but i should think that it's original price should be three times higher and the book contains so many pictures. Well, hopefully it'll still be there. I really want it.

And today, I saw a lovely rainbow. It was still raining and suddenly the sun came out and immediately I felt much warmer. A minute before that, my hands were so cold I couldn't even feel them. And while we were in the bus on the way back, I looked out and there it was. A huge rainbow displayed in the skies. Truth to say, I've never really seen a rainbow. It's either too faint or barely visible. But this one was huge and it seemed to fill the whole sky up. Too bad the bus was moving so I couldn't take a very good look. But it was really lovely!

Anyways... next week will be a horrible week for me. When I had three tests a few weeks ago, I thought that was bad. Today I found out i have FOUR tests. GAH. the worst is the Anthropology test. I don;t think I can finish studying anthropology in a week, much less a few days. And having to share the few days with 4 subjects to study.. I think I won't have time to do anything else. My Psych test is on Wednesday. And the other three- Italian, Math and Anthro all fall on Fridays.

I don't know how I'm going to do three tests in one day. It's like I have to wake up early, get to Anthro class, take a test. Go to Psych class, then go to italian class, take a test. Then go for English class, then go for math class, take a test. My brain juice will be used up by the end of the day!! Morever, I have no breaks in between these 5 classes and that means no time to eat. and having an empty stomach while doing tests is awful. HIKS. I'm dreading it.


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