La nuova alba

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Friday, February 17, 2006

STUPID STUPID unpredictable weather. Last week it was nice and warm and I can walk around in my tees and shorts. These few days however, is CRAZY COLD! My math teacher even said that it might snow in Mt Diablo and nearby mountains.

Today especially. It kept raining from morning and the wind is crazy cold. My fingers are numb if I do not put them in my pockets. And when you breathe out, you can see the smoke coming out. so funny. I've planned to go out with housemate to buy stuffs today, so we did, despite the horrible weather. We walked to Target cos she wanted a Digital Camera. And we couldn't find what she wanted. So we gave up, and walked to Barnes and Nobles. I helped her find a grammar book that she could practice cos she wants to pass her ESL test. (English as second language test) and it told her to get a notebook and start writing journals in english to improve her writing. (wahaha.. i've become a tutor)

And at Barnes and Nobles, I got soooo excited cos I saw this book. I know i know that Kix will love it. I wanted to buy it for her and give it to her. but WAAAAHH she's so far away!!! I just know for sure she will love the book. Plus it's new arrival, so I bet it's not out in Singapore yet.

After that, I said I wanted to go to Borders. So we took 109 to Borders. Brr... cold cold cold. I saw kids happily blowing smoke out of their mouth. haha so cute. Normally those kind of things happen only in early morning. But today is just plain cold. and the rain wouldn't stop either. Browsed throught some book and decided to pick up a Piers Anthony book cos I promised the kid me that I would collect every single one of his Xanth series. Saw "Wicked" and it's one the bestsellers, but i think I'll just buy it another time. And actually I wanted to buy Sword of Angels since I've been waiting for it since last year. but the paperback's coming out in June and it's much much cheaper. I guess I'll wait till then.

i wanted to take the bus home cos it was so darn cold. But that would mean taking two buses to transfer. Then Michelle said it's not too far to walk home, she said she walked before. I was really apprehensive about the distance. Especially with the rain and the horribly chilly winds, I thought it was best not to walk. But we walked anyways. and GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME! It was so darn far. We were out there walking for half an hour in the cold and rain. My nose was dripping and my ears were cold and my hands were numb. I told my housemate NEVER to walk home again in this weather. It's like we'll catch Pneumonia or something soon. WHen I got home, I was soo afraid I'll get sick. I can't afford to get sick. So quickly, i drank hot chocolate. Took a nice and warm bath, poured funny smelling medicated oil on myself, drank vitamins, and took a nap in my nice warm blankets. (but I couldn't really sleep cos the stupid cat was mewing non stop)

Well, so there. The terribly cold day. And I'm so happy about my new Xanth book. :D I rarely buy books so i'm like :D Oh and I got an A for Italian. YAY! YAY! Maybe crapping with PP and kiki works while studying. I scored higher than the previous test, which is odd. Cos the previous test I had two mistakes and I got a 98. this time I got three mistakes, but it was a more difficult test and the teacher divided the total number of mistakes by 2 to get a new number. so in the end, I only had one mistake. and i got a 99. Ahaha.. I think he did that cos some ppl got a lot of mistakes and if he doesn't divide it by 2, they're going to fail really badly. I think quite a number of people in my class got Cs.

BUT BAD NEWS> I got a bloody B for English. I can rewrite for an A. But she gave a feedback slip. and my slip says she likes my essay, the conclusion and my thesis are strongly supported. But i need to correct my citations and commas and quotations. That's all? You mean if I do those small things I can get an A??? I don't need to change content or anything?
HAIZ I dunno. I need I need I need an A!!


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