La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today is a day where I met up with a few friend I've made not so long ago. Let's start from morning.

Morning, I go to school. Decided to get off the bus and walk the longer route so I can get to Anthro class faster. You see, I needed to borrow notes from someone and i thought I better get to class quick. Usually i just sit in the bus till the end (it's a shorter walk, but i'm normally late). anyways, on the way to class (which was a pretty long walk), I met Andy. that's the Malaysian boy, the first friend I ever made at DVC during Orientation. Yep, so we said hi and talked till i reached my class. Was telling him i was taking Italian and he shocked me by saying something like he went to italy or whatever and he can speak Italian. i was like O_O !!!

Anthro class. Sat down. the quiet cold class again. haiz.. i wonder if i will ever make friends here. asked the dude next to me for notes and his handwriting was a bit the .... had to ask him a few words here and there. teacher came in, talked a whole lot that is pretty hard to understand and quite boring too. After that, usual routine, Psych class. then Italian class. the italian exam is so darn easy. I think can get A. but the map bit was quite tricky. u see, the teacher told us to learn 5 regions in Italy. But he didn't put in the map, so we had to draw our own map. I memorised the region by the area of where it was in the map, and my own hand drawn map looks a bit confusing, hopefully it's ok.

English class. UGH. MORE homework. now we have to do 3 interviews with ppl plus I have to write 3 essays drafts (minimum 5 pages) on how the town I lived have impacted me. Erm.. I've liked here 2 weeks or so.. how much impact can it have? i like Berkeley better actually. and then maths, where i was once again, falling asleep. SHEESH.

After school, i called Megumi, that's the friend I made at orientation. and we went out for lunch together at this Cafe Milano. we went there and there was NOBODY. felt so weird. and we went in, ordered. the food was quite ex.. ur.. so we didn't eat much. she ate pizza, i ate pasta. which is soo cheesy creamy and soo good. Left, quickly went for the International Students' Club meeting which we were late for. Got there, and well, the club seems pretty nice. The people looked nice anyways. Variety of nationalities, and their previous activities were barbeques and stuffs. and the leader guy was saying he wants camping this spring break.. haha.. sounds fun. and he also suggested washing car to fund raise. hehe.. i remember the last time i did that for SFC, the gross dirty bird-shit car. YUCKS. but fun though.

The problem is that the meetings are every Wednesday. But I have to go for workshops every Wed starting next week. the workshops aren't compulsory, but everytime I go, I earn credits for Psychology. and i WANT credits for Psychology is I'm majoring in it and if I want to get good grades so I can go UCLA. so yeah... hopefully I can work it out. cos the club really looks pretty fun.

I wanna work hard. I wanna get As. but there are so many distractions around. I wanna watch anime, the Fullmetal Alchemist fever is back. YAY! ARUPHONSE ROCKS!!!!!! i want a son like him.. haha and i've been in the mood to write short stories these days, but I never do get around to doing them. SIGH


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