La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, January 20, 2006

TGIF! HAIZ. Just one week of school and I feel so =_= already.

And I hate my English homework. I have to write a journal on my surroundings including infos like population, number of working people, average income, demographics, places to hang out etc. like wth. I've only stayed here for 5 freaking days How the heck am I supposed to know all that?


And I hate my math class. It's so darn easy. If I'm supposed to feel smart in that class, I don't think so. I feel so BRAINLESS in that class cos it's so darn easy. it's like the teacher likes to do step by step and honestly, some of the stuffs can be done in your head. No need to write down everything dude. and he takes so long just to solve on problem because of that. seriously dude, move on, i'm so falling asleep. For example, the question A=lw, solve w. ok, simple question. all you do is think a little and come up with an answer that w=A/l.
the teacher insists that we do this:
WHOA! Like how stupid and brainless is that? I'm like slapping my head and doing Italian homework everytime in Math class. and someone asked the teacher, why can't we just do A/l=w immediately, and he said, the w is on the wrong side. i was like =_='' and he said he will minus a mark if u do that in tests. I'm like Nuts man STUPID MATH CLASS! I've taken intermediate algerba in like sec1/2 and honestly, I am wasting my bloody time there. AHHHHH

the only highlight of school- Italian class. It's getting really fun! haha, we get to do fun things, dialoges with your partner and I love the teacher. He's really really nice and funny. and it's still easy for me, so I can still understand most of the stuffs he says. haha. LOVE Italian class

But I have a slight problem now. I'm added into antropology class and I have to say in spite of the mind bloggling terms, it's pretty fun. He showed us ape skulls, ancient human skulls and stuffs. so cool! But the thing is, I either take anthropology and DROP German or.. Take German and drop anthropology. I was thinking of dropping German.
Yes, sounds mad. But I was thinking that I HAVE to take this anthro class sooner or later, might as well take it now. Plus, taking conversational German, I can trasfer credit to UC, so no point taking. I'll just wait till summer and take first term German where I can learn more German.

But then again, I may be taking second term Italian come summer. Hmm.. maybe I'll NEVER get to learn German after all.. oh well.


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