La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Last night, I went to check DW TV again. They were showing news in English spoken with a German accent in the afternoon. But at night, oh boy, it was GERMAN! I sat there for the whole hour just watching news. Incredible eh? All I remembered was: Wahl in Irak and Mehr infomationen. Hahaha.. oh and I found a Spanish channel too.

Anyways, sometimes stupid happened today. I was at driving class and I got the most patient instructor out of all the 4, so it was pretty ok. I barely drove for 5 mins, then we passed by this roadcheck and there's some policemen out there. and these police have nothing better to do but look for trouble, so they told us to pull over at the side. The instructor handed all the documents and license to the police who looked at them and said that something has expired.

So the instructor said he is just an employee and this kind of stuffs is normally the company handle one. Then the police was like, do you know what happens when the document expire?
Instructor: "I'm only an employee."
Police:"The company might we suspended."
Instructor and me: "..."
Police:"I'll give you one last chance now to amend for it. it's your last chance."

Basically, what the police meant by his words was, gimme money and I'll let the matter off. See, the basis of Indonesia! BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION!

So, the instructor got out of the car and started to talk to the police. I didn't see them cos I was parked in front and I got bored and took out my book and started reading. After some time, the instructor came back and we headed back to the driving centre. I got cheated cos I drove less than 10 mins when it was supposed to be a half an hour lesson. The instructor said the documents were still with the police, so he had to cut short the time and promises to make up for it. Even though he was a nice person, I didn't tip him and he didn't ask either.

As for the policeman, I expect he'll get his bribe. Sheesh, everywhere it's like that! Custom immigration, police on the road, everything.. fegs when will things ever change


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