La nuova alba

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Saturday, November 26, 2005

I FINALLY went to watch Harry Potter last night. It was a Saturday and gosh, there were SOOOOO many people. We couldn't get the 7pm ticks, so no choice but to get the 10pm ones. Thankfully, the prices of tickets have gone DOWN!! YAY! it's from 35000 (7 bucks) to 25000 (5 bucks!) I suppose it's bcos pirated stuffs are soo easily acessible in Indo, they had to do something about cinema tickets prices.

Anyways, I thought the movie was not too bad. I think it was a good thing that I couldn't actually remember anythign I read from the book (since the last time i read it was in primary school) because if I did, I would have been majorly dissapointed like many others who've read the book. Well, even if i can't remember a thing from the book, I thought there was too much emphasis on Harry and all. yeah, I know it's about Harry Potter, but the other characters barely appeared or even spoke. It's quite sad really. It's exciting you see, to actually see new characters coming out and they barely had any screen time at all. gosh.. so not fun!

The dance scene was too short. shucks. such a killjoy cos it would have been so much fun too! and i just have this whole feeling that the movie seems so hurried and abrupt. Anyways, as I said, I like to see all the new characters appearing. so fun! haha.. Well, if Cedric was supposed to be so cute, I apparently do not think so. But he was okay I guess. But he died so quickly. it's like he just appeared for a lil' while and next thing u noe he's dead. I think there's not enough character development on the part of the movie. if Cavill was playing Cedric, I might have cried my eyes out despite everything. =P

Hmm. I thought Cho was pretty sweet actually, the way she smiles. Don't know why all the girls hate her, but oh welps. She barely appeared too. so not fun! All she did was smile and speak a few words. no fun!! I thought she looked pretty nice at the dance, but all they showed of her was just a flash. Hello, can't they even give ppl time to appreciate all the dresses.. Puhleze.. and of course, Hermione was pretty, as usual. Gorgeous, in fact. Well, based on her looks alone, I don't understand why Ron would ever say that nobody wants to ask Hermione for the dance. I mean.. even if Krum didn't, I'm sure Someone would anyways. but i guess in the book she wasn't supposed to be THAT gorgeous.

Oh and guess who's my favourite guy in the whole movie??? No, not Voldemort, I admit I might be sadistic at times but I'm not that freaky all right! I mean, I HATE HIS NOSE! hahah...But still I'm mad... but I like Viktor Krum. I mean, like kiki said bfore, he's dead cool. Yep. the scene where the whole gang enters and banging their staff on the ground and he's kinda leading the pack. Like how cool is that..not only that. I just like him for his looks and all you know. haha. hey, he's not super cute, but he's a tad bit cute alrighty. but he has his fair share of fangirls (though lesser), and I don't plan to add to the number..

Anyways, enough of Harry Potter and gushing over Viktor Krum.. I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA!It's sad that I'm older than those kiddos now when I was as young when I read the book.. but i really hope it will be good! I've been reading it since I don't know when and I LOVE the books! I think all the kids look good for the show and I especially liked Susan. Which is sad, cos I know she'll be the only one who won't believe in Narnia in the 7th book. :(


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