La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Today was my FIFTH visit to the dentist in two weeks. Imagine that 5th!! and what was the dentist busy doing? filling up my bloody cavities because I got so many she can't do them all at one go. And i tell you it's physical and mental torture cos you have to sit in that chair squirming as you hear the whirring mechanical sound that goes drill drill drill and then you feel the pain agony suffering.

I had so many injections in my mouth today and honestly I have no idea how long the needle is but I can feel the feeling in my lower jaw still where the needle was POKED in. At first she jabbed at the lower jaw. But my teeth still hurt, so she promptly poked again at another spot. Oh bloody Pollo, it mighty hurts. Not physically but mentally. Everytime she did a cavity, my heart was pounding and I felt like this was a huge nightmare. Despite the anesthetic I could still feel some pain, plus the whirring sound and the sharp instruments.

BAH! What a traumatic experience. T_T


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