La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I have written a poem because of the plight Danke is in. Poor little doggie. He is in the old house, and it's messy and dilapitated. Nobody goes there to clean up and nobody bathes the dog either. He eats one meal per day. At night someone will just drive there and give him the food and leave immediately. He waits in anticipation for the food and live in the fear that someday nobody will come. Nobody plays with him anymore. My mom doesn't want him in the new house cos he will spoil the garden. Poor Danke is free to roam in the garden of the old house, but he is kinda jailed cos there's the gate barring his exit. The strays are all free to roam and Danke will howl to them. Alone within the confines of the unkempt garden, waiting all day for dinnertime and looking out in envy at the freedom of the stray dogs as they roam about the streets without restrain.

Such is the life of poor Danke. I hope he doesn't go mad..

Anyways I hardly write poems and never such a long one either. So pardon my writing.

The 'You' refers to the family in general.

Laments of the Jaildog

Did you know that
I cry in the nightime?
I'm all alone, so alone
you're never here with me.

You used to come out when I cry
and played with me till I shut up.
Did you remember you used to love me
when I was a pup.

I waited at the gate every hour
is that you coming? nope.
Fear gnawed at my heart
but I told myself not to lose hope.

Finally you arrived!
I jumped in joy and licked you.
You scolded me and said bad boy!
but I didn't mind, as long as you never say adieu.

I thought back of the time
When little mistress gave me a name.
She said it meant "thank you"
for she was thankful that I came.

You set down my food
and I gobbled at it for I was hungry.
the long wait had made me famished
and lack of bath had made me itchy.

I hope you wouldn't mind my smell
I tried hard to keep clean and used up every trick
but it's not an easy task
when i could only lick.

I raised my head from my food bowl.
You're leaving! But you only stayed a while!
I ran to the gate and call out "come back!"
but you left without a word or a smile.

My appetite is lost
but I eat out of necessity
Why won't you stay and play?
Why let me be so lonely?

I want to be your best friend
To guide and protect always
I'll love you no matter what
Faithful till the end of my days.

So I sat here again and howled in despair
the strays replied, some mocking, some pitying
Do you want freedom, they asked.
I shook my head, no and replied:
I want my family back with me.
To play with and to love.
I want my family to tell their neighbors
just how proud they are of me.


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