La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I LOVE PP!!! We had an AWESOME time today!!

Well, I went to my bro's basketball match, which he lost because the opposing team looked purely SCARY! It's like all the tall ang mohs and REALLY TALL blacks. There was this guy who was like a pole man, i swear his hands are as long as some people's legs! LONG AND TALL guy.. they all looked cool though. Awesome play.

After the match, I headed to HB's house. I forgot her unit number. So i went to the eight floor.. looked at the shoes there and saw school shoes so i thought nah.. can't be. Then i went downstairs to the seventh floor. Was looking and looking and then I spotted a cross on top of the door and i thought nah.. not this one either. I went downstairs and TA-DAH!!! I spotted HB's slippers (which we exchaged before!! haha) and i rang the doorbell and hid behind just in case i got the wrong house. HB opened the door! HURRAH!

Well, she tried burning my DVD which didn't really work. and we went to play Bomberman tennis double game! GOSH IT WAS FUN! hahaha i didn't know it could be soo fun! cos the opponents were computer and they keep beating us and we were laughing like mad. Plus the doll figure looked so cute and when it lost it will lie on the floor and shake the legs.. HAHAHA awesome!

Then we went outside and wow..there was a spread on the table man. I ate fried fish with chicken with kang kung (I LIKE!) while drinking soup with fishball. yummy yummy! I kept telling PP about eating my fish husband.. hehe.. after dinner, we went downstairs to play. Now this is where it get NUTS, really nuts..

We went down to play sparklers and was standing at the grassy area and suddenly I SHRIEKED! cos there was a frog there. we both started shrieking and ran to the cement floor. then we looked at the frog. HB said so fat! hahaa.. we started taking picture of the frog. It's still small and reallly cute. we continued walking and encountered another frog! Afterwards, we decided to light our sparklers, but it wouldn't the lighter wouldn't light!! HB had to run up n get another lighter n matchsticks. then we were using the matchsticks and we thought, this would take forever man.. so HB ran up (AGAIN!) to get candles.

then we lit up the candles. and happily started playing. but the wind was so strong!! so we decided to move. We moved to another space. and PAINSTAKINGLY lighted up 3 candles. and just as the candles were all lit up....HB SHRIEKED! and i jumped cos suddenly a frog jumped in front and landed where the candles were. we all started jumping and screaming and laughing and the frog jumped off and the candles all died!!! we honestly couldn't stop laughing.

then we decided to move the candles to the drain and light it up there, hoping there was less wind. and we can't seem to light up the candles and our matchsticks were depleting FAST! and HB was lighting lighting and the matchstick BROKE!! It was hilarious i tell you. We just laughed like mad. and droplets of water kept dripping on us and i told PP it was lizard saliva and she went EEEE!!! But it was soo frustrating cos each time we just manage to light ONE spraklers, the candles all go out. So we decided to move again.

and this time, it was WIND FREE!! and boy we finally lighted up all our sparklers, made wishes laughed talked and HAD FUN!! the sparklers burnt up too fast and they bend a lot haha. After we used up everything, PP n me used the burnt up sparklers n started play acting at some chinese opera thingy. haha so funny! and later we went to the carpark and had more play acting on taxi driver n ghastly passanger. and it was so so so so funny cos PP will suddenly tap me on the back and say" shien shen ah..." I was like jump and then.. AHAHAHAHAH! later we played the romeo n juliet thingy and HB kept poking me and we ended up having a huang fei hong fight! and later HB murdered Juliet's boyfriend (not Romeo), some passerby, another blind passerby.. it was so hilarious. Cos it was all impromptu and she just suddenly, STAB! and i'm like AHAHAHAHA! later she devised her own death by tripping on the kerb!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME!! IT WAS HILARIOUS!!

While we were doing our activities, so many passerbys kept looking at us and we called them "witnesses" cos we believed we are arsonists. and lots of couples who keep walking here and there. and one time, this couple came down and the woman was carrying a baby. and HB said: "WAH! So fast!" HAAHAHAHAHAH i really couldn't stop laughing man.. it seems like she meant one couple went up n next thing u noe they came down with a baby already.. AHAHAHAH HILARIOUS!

After we had our fun playing, we went up and ate fruits. Mangoes, kiwis n jambu. yum yum! and Hb's dad sent me home. I LOVE TODAY! IT was full of fun n laughter laughter laughter. I think my mouth split today! :D I LOVE PP!


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