La nuova alba

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Belda!

  1. People used to believe that dressing their male children as belda would protect them from evil spirits.
  2. If you break belda, you will get seven years of bad luck.
  3. The average duration of sexual intercourse for belda is two minutes!
  4. The word 'samba' means 'to rub belda'.
  5. Early thermometers were filled with belda instead of mercury!
  6. The National Heart Foundation recommends eating belda at least three times a week.
  7. Every day in the UK, four people die putting belda on.
  8. Belda is the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards!
  9. Belda has a memory span of three seconds.
  10. Belda once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest!
I am interested in - do tell me about

Oh my gosh. this is hilarious!

All right, on to today. I had 5 classes in a row today. my alarm rang at 7 and I fell back to sleep and woke up at 7.28 and I was like oh crap! Then I quickly got up, shower took a really hurried breakfast and rushed to the bus stop. but the bus took so looong to come. the bust stop was those kind where they just stuck a pole to the ground so there's no seat and it's so cold! yep. I waited for more than half an hour. and finally reached school. Went for the anthropology class which was at 9. I am actually just sitting in for that class just in case I can't take conversational German, I have anthropology as a backup. IT was pretty ok, lots of cheemolgy terms and he showed us a plaster skull. pretty cool.

Right after that, I had psychology. We didn't actually start, but it seemed pretty interesting. And the teacher was old, but he looked quite fun too. and he's funny. and after that, I had Italian. and yeah, it was pretty good. It was kinda easy though, cos I already knew most of the basic stuffs, and when he taught numbers 1-100 i didn't even have to bat an eyelid. and he looked at my course list (nice Italian teacher) and he said the psychology proffesor is an interesting guy. so yep, I hope it's true.

Right after that, I had English. looks pretty cool to me. and we have lots of essays to do for the next few months. And after that, I had maths which was sooo boring. He was teaching us how to add and minus fractions by making changing the denominator and I was sooo bored to death and thinking I'm like wasting my time there. Sheesh. I should have done better for my assessment and taken somethign else. and so that's it. from 9-2. Five straight classes with no breaks in btwn. rather tiring.

and i came home. did stupid math hw. and planned my english essay. and planned my italian monologue. and got ready for german class. and it was quite hectic cos my host parent was preparing dinner and also getting ready for class and all. and finally we went for each of our classes. It was soo dark and kinda spooky going to class. and the conversational German class was full, with mostly adults taking night classes. There is a 13 years old boy there and I have no idea what in the world he is doing there. German class was so hard to understand cos the teacher was speaking in German half the time. And we learnt simple stuffs like Wie Heisse du? and stuffs like that. We had to share textbooks cos some people haven't gotten it yet. and i shared with this guy and we talked quite a bit about classes and stuff, interesting person. Some of you guys might find him cute but yeah, I'm looking for Dan remember? haha.. and most of the people in the class already had some german experience in high school, like the guy next to me, so he found those stuffs easy. NO FAIR! AHHHHHHHH German is so hard! but yeah, love the videos she showed us.

Still dunno whether I can take German for sure, cos my host parent doesn't know for sure whether she can go to the class or not. She's still waitlising. so yep. hopefully i can cope too, cos I'm taking double language classes. and everyone has to do a monologue in Italian tmr. Here's mine. (actually everyone's about the same).

Buongiorno classe! Mi chiamo Belda. Come state? Oggi, sto bene. Abito a Pleasant Hill. Mi piace mangiare la pizza, dormire e parlare italiano. Grazie! Arrivederci!


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