La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm at my sister's place now and it is WARM! Yay!! SO happy! Her room is nice and warm. Unlike my cold room T_T I hate cold rooms because I want all rooms to be nice and warm. Cold rooms that chill you to the bone are just uncomfortable.
and did i mention that I'm getting extremely fat bcos i keep eating and eating to keep myself warm? hahahaha! : / sigh.. i guess you guys won't be able to recognize me soon.

Today's lessons are so boring i wanted to sleep. For anthro, the teacher just talked and talked. no videos, no skulls. :( and he talked a lot about religions and stuff and how evolution doesn't match Genesis. and he talked about this funny religion where they believed in some comet and killed themselves or whatever. it was quite interesting in a way, but what has that got to do with whatever we're learning? anyways, this teacher digresses A LOT. and at 9.50 sharp of course, he was still talking and bags were beginning to be packed really noisily and he was still trying to finish whatever he was talking with some difficulty and finally he stopped and whoosh, the class is gone in the blink of an eye. WTH?!

Pyschology is interesting as usual. lots of cool concepts. Italian was ok. Truth to say, an everyday language class can get a little bit tiring. It's not that I don't like Italian, but everyday is really a bit too much. and english was ugh. we had to read out our 3 journals to two other people. And i was paired with Chaedina and Lawrence. and since I lived closest to DVC i had to read mine first. like 3 journals, gosh, so LONG! plus not fair cos Chaedina only did one journal so far, and Lawrence did only 2. so i had to read like the longest. T_T

Math was sooo boring. the sub teacher can get rather confusing and i think the class is starting to get quite frustrated with her. I was like going to fall asleep soon. and so far i haven't done any math homework yet cos her directions are so unclear. yesterday, she said, do 2.1 every other odd. and i was like HUH the whole 2.1??? so i asked the guy beside and he said, 2.1 every other odd. then he opened his book and flipped to 2.1. then i said, that's quite long isn't it. then he said "um.. *flip one page* *flip another page* *flip another page* *flip another page* *laughs* yeah."
SEE? that's why i dun want to do my homework!!! like our permanent teacher always give a certain set of question like qn 13-34, every other odd. and stuffs like that. not the whole CHAPTER. plus she just gave us 2.2 today to do. =_= siao.



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