La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Another day at school as usual. I could hardly get out of bed. I wish the weekend never ended.

Had to go to school earlier today cos I had to print my English homework. I have to do 5 journals and that was only the first one. Have to do one like every two days, so I'll be doing English homework practically everyday. So sickening. Must do at least 2 pages some more.. :S

Had anthropology again. Still haven't added the class but I think I should be dropping German to take it. It looks pretty difficult tho. With all the foreign terms like australothepicus.. crap, don't even know how to spell it. and yeah, he showed us this video on archeologist findings and stuffs. Honestly, the teacher's not very clear. the stuff he writes on the board are so vague and it's hard to understand. Hopefully I'll be able to do well...

Pyschology is REALLY interesting, The instructor is soo funny and he was doing anologies on ppl coming in late. and everytime he's talking about it, someone comes in late. So it was like, hilarious. And he went on to other topics, and class was halfway through already, so he said, going back to the ppl coming in late anology, he points to the door, and just at that moment, someone comes in late again. It was hilarious!

yep then I had Italian. and then English. ugh. we were doing hate crimes again. There was this Spanish guy in my group, so Khine might be interested. He has a pretty interesting accent. and I had the OH SO "INTERESTING" math class. remember the lst time i talked about l=wh or wadever. he was doing the whole minus sign thing again, and this student asked if we must do all that. He said not necessarily, but he liked to have one solution to all problems. Then he gave this example. He said you would want a computer program that works on all computer.

Then I thought, yeah. BUT you want an easy and straight to the point computer program, not some stupid long winded one. SHEESH!

Yesterday was ok. We all played game, the host family, housemate and me. and later I watched some movie which was pretty good. Chris O' Donnell was inside, he appeared few minutes and died. I was like ..... WTH.


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