La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Many thanks to Kirstie for the new layout. Now I see Yuna both on my desktop and on my blog. haha. the only thing I can say is Yuna ga kirei deshita!~

Anyways, Italian exam tmr. Still haven't studied yet... the mock exam was so easy.. hahaha.. oh and for lab, i was looking at some Italian video. the video is about these two ppl who visit Italy. and in one of their visits, they go to this University and interviewed the students. and there were 3 students. gosh, one of them is soo cute. haha.. he has this really nice voice and his name is Luca. (in the video) so i was like hey.. are all the Luca in the world good looking or what? (remember Baird Wallace?) oh hey, talking about Baird Wallace, I must have forgotten to mention this. the other time I went to the Japanese tea garden, I saw this boy who was walking in between two elderly people. he seemed the quiet type, very well dressed and neatly too and he looked like a split image of Baird Wallace. and he had the kind of features that I would describe as the perfect feature.
erm ok yeah whatever. Why am I talking about this anyway? hahaha i must be so bored.

My room is so cold, and I'm starting to get a headache so i better scoot out. and dinner's ready anyways. the family has invited some missionaries and elders (whom aren't old at all..)from the Mormon church. feel so weird eating dinner with ppl i dunno. oh well, better go then. have a quick dinner and STUDY ITALIAN!


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