La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm eating ice cream again. Not Godiva though, it's just some regular ice cream. but it's still creamy and thick nevertheless. I can only eat Godiva at my sis' place, plus I don't really eat ice cream at my homestay place cos it's os cold. But today, is a special today. It's warm today! YAY! I was actually rolling up my sleeves and the sun was shining so bright today. It wasn't scorching though, that word is reserved for Singapore sun.

Today's a pretty good day i guess. Tuesday and Thursdays are good days cos I get to wake up at 9 as my class starts at 11. (unfortunately bus comes at 10.15) Had Italian today. We got to see this video, which was a little bit propaganda-ish. The beginning was so funny, cos it went something along the line of: if a friendly alien landed on Earth, one of the places you would want to show it is Italy. Then the begin showing you all the places in Italy, Rome, Sicily, Milan, Venice, Verona etc. It's wonderful! Makes me want to go back to Italy and visit all those places again. Going with a tour is no fun cos it's so restrictive. You can't get to see some places and stuffs. Can't wait to go backpacking someday.

mm. eating kettle chips now. so darn good. It's so ex in Singapore I never dared to buy any. So I kinda eat a lot of that here now. In fact, I EAT a lot here. so haha... I've grown into a fat turtle.

Essay due tomorrow. Have to work on it. SIGH. Have to consider peer response too. This guy asked me questions in my peer response that isn't even in my essay. like only make things difficult for me cos the teacher will consider my essay on how I respond to the peer response. PLus I don't think he even read my essay cos he just said "they like the city life and busy life". first, the word "they". excuse me, it's MY essay. cos he read a previous essay that was written by this Indo girl who also studied in SIngapore. so he just lumped us as one. And i did not say I LIKE THE CITY. goodness. I dun like busy cities, I like hills okay. nice little quiet country like SCOTLAND! HMMPH!

I want to get an A for English. but it seems a little hard cos the teacher isn't only judging based on what you wrote. SIGH.. Maths and Psychology exams next week. :S BUT Friday is a HOLIDAY! YAY! I'm glad Lincoln was born so we have holidays. hehe


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