La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well, I seem to be fantastic when it comes to wasting time. Supposed to be doing work but have been wasting time all day long and yesterday too. Finished reading Memoris of a Geisha. It's all right, I suppose. I bought "I capture the castle" book on ebay. would have liked the movie more, but I guess the book will do. it cost me 4.26. The book was actually only 89 cents, but shipping costs more. but it's way better than buying it for 13 bucks at Borders. Hopefully it will arrive soon.

Anyways.. Have another Italian exam next week. Hope I'll do well. I don't much feel like typing actually. My hands are freezing (it's raining outside) and my stomach has been making funny noises all day. Somehow my host family never seem to cook on weekends and we end up eating a lot of junk or not eating at all. Last sunday, I didn't eat all day till dinner and boy was I ravenous.

Actually I'm really too lazy to blog about anything at all if Kelly had not pestered me to update. Well, um, yeah. what can I say. My life is boring. My school life is worse. My only entertainment is anime. And i think I've been having a stomach upset since last week. sigh. Anyways, I better continue my essay and go on living the life of a boring nerd who never gets out of house except to go to school.


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