La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

BRRR... it's so cold. It rained briefly for a while a few minutes ago. It's been raining a lot these days. Yesterday was crazy. and i heard it was hailing this morning. wow.. i've never seen that before, but I was asleep so I didn't get to see it.

Somehow it just struck me at this moment that I am learning a language other than Chinese. haha.. silly.. but YAY!!! It's so exciting! hahaha.. heard Kelly's sister is going to Italy.. sigh... I hope my dream to travel Europe will come true someday, I don't want to sit here and dream. Today we wrote answers on the board and one of them was "Dove viaggi?" Where do you travel?

All of us had to pick one question to answer and quickly I picked that one and happily wrote that answer on the board. "Viaggo alle Highlands in Scozia." and went back to my seat with a grin. I really really do wish that will happen someday. Travelling to the highlands in Scotland. SIGH.... and of course Italy too. I want to go Italy being able to speak Italian. like how fun is that???

Italian class is so funny today. Our Italian teacher has always been funny! He's a great teacher. Normal Italian class goes like this: The moment he comes to class he will say "Giorno!" very quickly and gruffly. He's actually saying buongiorno, but it always comes out as giorno. When he calls us to open his textbook, he'll start flipping the page and if he can't find it, he will start mumbling to himself in a comical way or start to sing. it's so hilarious. then he'll like read a sentence from the textbook, so he'll read the first few words and then mumble the rest inchorently and say "Next page!". It's so funny! then when he's giving back homework, he will say "compiti coming back". and at the end of class, he will always always say this: "Gotta see me, see me. don't gotta see me, don't see me." haha.. then some people in class will always imitate him after he says it.

Well, today, he started drawing this funny looking thing on the board. it's like this round thing, looks kinda like a bowl, but not really. and then he used another color and drew a small little thing inside the round thing. and the class was starting to laugh and wondering what it is he is drawing. then he wrote "Cameriere! C'e una mosca nella minestra!" It means, waiter, there's a fly in the soup. We all started laughing like mad cos the drawing is just so hilarious!

Then, he wrote another sentence. "Cameriere, ci sono tre mosche nella minestra". Waiter, there are three flies in the soup. then, he added two more flies on the bowl of soup. AHAHAHA.. so funny! Later, he wrote down the reply of the waiter: "Che fanno? Nuotaro?" (it means, what are they doing? Swimming?) haha... so funny. he was trying to teach us "there is" and "there are".

Anyways, just a little description about how my Italian class goes. Gotta do lots of stuff now. Including the dreaded Anthropology. He gave us a study guide and it is sooo long. I tried writing answers to some questions he gave in the study guide. One question filled up almost 4 sides of paper, it's crazy! I'm quite worried about the anthro test really. And also the Italian test this friday. I'm not very good at preposizione, sigh.. hopefully I'll do well.

Oh and just want to talk a little bit about Math. I admit it can be pretty easy, but I'm starting to learn quite a number of things. In the past, I can safely say that I have never ever really paid attention in math class before. I can say that one of the reasons why I flunk maths so bad is because i NEVER listen in class. I really mean never, or at least almost. Most of the time, I am just reading my textbook just to get by. Plus I slack while reading textbook also, that's why I flunk so bad. I guess, now that I am actually listening in math class (when he teaches stuffs at least) , i'm starting to learn new methods to doing things. I'm sure I've been taught all that before, but it's like somebody just erased my whole brain. so i feel like i'm learning new things and new methods, which is pretty good i guess. some of the methods of doing things are novel to me and i guess it's good to start with no other methods already in my head. it will be confusing otherwise.
but yeah, this must be a really bad case of amnesia. cos i know i have been taught this things, but they all escape me. i don't even know how i did those questions in the past anymore. hah.


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