La nuova alba

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

I just finished re-reading the Count of Monte Cristo last night. It is still as exciting and absolutely wonderful as ever. I think that so far, I haven't been able to find a single book written by a modern writer who could beat the Count of Monte Cristo. It is a thick book, yes, and in a way it is great because you can sit in you bed all day reading it and still it continues on. Instead of going on a 2 day adventure with a normal book, you get to go on a 3 weeks adventure! even though it's long, it's in no way boring. The book isn't long because the author is draggy and explains too much and relate too much. The book is long because it has a most intricate plot and everything fits in perfectly like a puzzle. Dumas is truly truly a genius.

Upon re-reading it, I can better understand everything, including Dantes' feelings. The revenge now seemed more dreadful to me and I could see why he let off Danglars so lightly in the end compared to the rest. and truly, I very much pity Villefort. His whole household were practically killed off. I think that was way too terrible a revenge on Villefort. Even Fernand got off easier than Villefort did. and Danglar got off the easiest just losing him money and wife and daughter he doesn't even really care for. and i think Danglar should have had the heaviest punishment because he was the mastermind. If he didn't conceive that plot (for he alone knows about Dantes stopping at the Island of Elba), that Fernand wouldn't have sent the letter to the prosecuter. Fernand would probably do himself in when Mercedes got married and Villefort wouldn't even enter the story. But yeah, I think in the end, Villefort suffered the most.

I still can't get over this book. It's just so marvellous. All kinds of emotions run through when you read it. You love Edmond and hate him. Especially when he almost caused Valentine to be killed just because she was a Villefort.

And in "V for Vendetta" they were showing an old version of the Count of Monte Cristo. It seems to follow the book more closely than that recent show with Cavill. So I would very much like to get my hands on it, though I know no movie can amazingly depict the story. When most people see me reading the book, the first thing they ask is, "Did you watch the movie? It's good isn't it?"

I really want to say no. Because the movie is pretty ok on its own, but if it claims to be based on the book, it is Terrible! The whole genius of the story is gone. There is no evident struggle in Edmond to stop being the avenger and he feels no remorse nor forgiveness. In the movie, he executes his revenge and has a happy ending. THe movie has undermined all the themes and values that the book portrays.

and I feel like saying to all who has watched the movie but not the book. YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!! The book is thick but don't let it deter you. You should not die before reading the book for it is truly one of the greatest book ever written. and most of the people who reads my blog have read the book. so.. GOOD FOR YOU!


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