La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Today was a day of extremity. It was a totally devastating day and a totally fantastic day. HAH.

Well, woke up really tired early this morning because I slept at 2am last night studying for anthropology test. Got about doing things as usual, rushed out of the house to catch the bus as usual. except this time.. THE BUS DIDN'T COME! it normally comes at 8.45 and then 8.50 went by...still no bus. 8.55.. still no bus.. I was pretty sure I didn't miss the bus. So I really started to panick when it turned 9. Finally it sinked in.. the bus is NOT coming. and it was 9am and my anthro class starts at 9am and I have just missed my test. And to make things worse... is started to rain. it started light and got heavier and heavier and I was just standing there in the rain feeling all cold and miserable. My hands were totally numb and I stood there in the cold for half an hour until the next bus came at 9.15am. and i saw ppl that always take the same bus as me in this bus, which proved that the bus really didn't come at all!

Got to my anthro class. Everyone was doing their test already. I was half an hour late. I talked to the teacher and he said I can still take my test. So I ask him "what if I can't finish?" he gave a shrug. I panicked. I said BUT MY BUS DIDN't COME! Anyways, he told me to quickly finish and there were no seats so i had to take some corner chair and write using my file as a table. I was doing it for less than 10 mins when a student passed up his work. Sigh, so I just did the test, still feeling some sort of dread. At 10am, all the students had to pass up their work and the teacher said I can follow him to his next class and continue my test. YAY! So i followed him to his next class, and did my test and passed it up. PHEW! At least it worked out fine in the end. I was so scared I would fail or something. Honestly, while waiting for the bus, I was thinking of all kinds of ways.. hitchhiking or whatever. Well, Don't know how I did for the test, wasn't really thinking straight actually.

I was late for Psychology class because I was still doing my anthropology test. So I was late for about 20 mins, but it was ok. My Psych teacher doesn't mind ppl coming in late. Got my test back. I didn't do as well as the previous test and I know it because I forgot so many stuffs. but I still got an A. So that's good. I got two other tests back as well. Got an A for Italian, sigh I made so many mistakes. I know my italian is getting worse bcos I haven't really been concentrating hard on it. The best part was Math. The teacher always gives out the paper individually and he was saying that there is a correlation to people who have been getting As and people who have been coming to class regularly. so he went around giving the paper and he said for example, "Hannah, A. She's always been coming to class." "Whoever, A, she's also been coming to class." and when he gave me my paper, "Belda, A. She's also attended class and in fact she got the highest in class."
The irony? 3 weeks ago, I was caught reading a storybook in math class and was so engrossed in it I didn't even realise he was talking to me and the whole class was talking to me until my partner said: "He's talking to you."
so... hahaha.

Well, during Math class, I found out that my anthropology notebook, a notebook that I have been compiling for a long time was soiled and wet. I was soo pissed. It was a notebook I painstakingly wrote in a nice legible handwriting, found articles and pasted it in, and made everything look really nice. and the horrible rain had to wet the stupid book and the edges are wet and crooked and kinda torn and some of the ink had run. It's so horribly upsetting. Everything that is going wrong with anthro is going wrong. I hope it's not so with the test. But anyways, you get what I mean when I say Extremely devastating and extremely fantastic? Why must things be SO EXTREME??? MY ANTHRO NOTESS>>> NOOOOOOOOO

After school, went to watch V for Vendetta with Michelle. It was soooo cool! soo soo cool! and Natalie Portman is wonderful. :D The relflection to the Nazi period is kinda evident. I realize lots of shows likes to make some sort of link to the Nazi period. FMA was another good one, with supernatural and alchemy added in.

EXTREME. EXTREME. you know, only when I feel extremely unhappy can i feel extremely happy? It's funny, but that's how I felt today.


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