La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Well, yesterday's entry, I was talking about extreme good luck and extreme bad luck. When I wrote the entry, I assumed everything was over because I was safe at home.

Apparently not. At night, I realized that I lost my cell phone. I was like HOLY CRAP! Searched around, went mad, called my sister and she told me to go to the theater and look for it tomorrow.

So i had to wake up earlier than usual, take two buses and reached the theater. Michelle was with me. The theater wasn't open yet, it was still 9am. but there were people cleaning the floor and stuffs and so I went in. and immediately one of the woman cleaning went: WE'RE NOT OPEN YET!
and i was like yeah, I need to find my cell phone and she said, let me get someone to help you. She fetched this guy who told us to come back at 11 when it opens because everything's locked up. Michelle and I went away. We didn't really think everything's locked up. I mean, don't they have to clean the rooms too? how can everything be locked up? We ate breakfast at Seattle's Best, looked through some books at Borders. Was telling Michelle about Count of Monte Cristo book and how great it was. She was interested cos it was mentioned in V for Vendetta. and also told her about The Time Traveller's Wife. Great books! I had to go for class which is at 11 am. Michelle had no class till 1pm, so she said she will help me with the cell phone problem.

So at 10.30, i took the bus back to school and went for Italian class feeling sick with worry. I thought I wouln't be able to concentrate but the class was so enjoyable I just can't help feeling a little bit happier. we were just reading some words from the book. We all took turns. and there was this bit on nationalities. The book had nationalities like German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, English, Irish etc. then the teacher told us to tell him Vorrei essere ____. I want to be ___. so we all had a go at it. Some people said they wanted to be English, a few German, some Spanish, some Italian. SCOTTISH was not on the list in the book. But thanks to BBC's wonderful italian teaching that includes words such as "scottish" I knew that scottish in italian was scozzese. So happily I said Vorrei essere Scozzese. and the teacher was like *mumble mumble* (like he always does) Scozzese eh? funny.

We did other fun stuffs like describing ourselves. and later we had to describe either our father/mother/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. He didn't call on everyone, but called on some interesting ppl. Like this girl was describing her boyfriend and she was like He's handsome, brave and.... and the teacher was like: "Bragging eh?"
The funniest was that there was actually this couple in the class. So, he called on the guy. and the guy said, "I'm going to describe my girlfriend." She was sitting next to him. The teacher said:" Better be careful." So the boyfriend said that she was lazy and something else, but he put in some good adjectives as well. then the teacher turned to the girlfriend, "Ok, now your turn." Then she said," He is stupid and... and ... and ..." (All bad adjectives) The teacher said, "OK ENOUGH!"
HAHAHAHA.. so funny and the whole class was laughing.

Well, after class, I went to meet Michelle and she told me she couldn't find my cell phone. The guy kept telling her, "You won't be able to find it. Someone probably took it. etc." I said STUPID GUY. and I think he was either the 1) Manager or 2) the Customer Service guy. Either two, his hospitality manner sucks and if he's the manager, I don't know how he got up there. But Michelle told me that when she was on the bus back to school, a lady called her and said they found it after all.
SO, after school, I had to go back to the theater again and retreive my phone.
PHEW! At least it is returned. SIGH. so happy. :D but wasted lots of bus money on it. ehehe..

Okay.. back to work.


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