La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I was happy after finding that crouching waiter, hidden chef thing. And went on to find more videos. Never expecting the nightmare I was about to face...
SO, i painstakingly found Trailer:The Movie!
at first it didn't load. FInally, it loaded. I was sooo Happy!!!

And then...

came the shocks...

There was a really cool scene of Dan fighting. Love the part where he flipped over using a person's back. And there was another scene where he gave this brilliant smile. He even danced (!!!!!!) the saturday night fever/grease thing... He got slapped (ahahaha). He slapped back! There's even a weirdo guy who's supposed to be William Wallace, had his face painted blue and was shouting. It's so great! You bet I love this thing! I love the whole thing! They have Dan and William Wallace... like WOAH!

but the nightmare was ....


I'm gonna cry...


Yes.. I'm devastated... very.. T_T what a traumatic experience. I mean, he's the stunt guy, i don't expect him to KISS!! T_T WAAH! Kiki had to remind me that he's a guy after all. which means he'll get married soon, plus he's 31 already. That doesn't leave me enough time to search for him!! T_T WAAHH!
I wonder who the guy in the sex scene is... i don't think it's dan.. i really don't think it's him.
anyways, you can share my grieve..

I found a most precious website!!
I found Crouching waiter, hidden chef!!!!
you must be wondering what the heck is that nonsense.. but it's Dan!! Dan is the chef!! and he spoke English with the nastiest Chinese accent that made me fall off the chair. HAHAHAA!! Ohmicrod! i can't believe i found it.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Girls out there.. check this out..

I did something nuts today. I followed someone. ACK! I'm a stalker!! You see, I was coming out of the MRT, and I turned to get my wallet. And then I saw this girl. The first thing that strike me was that she is so beautiful! Upturned nose, small lips.. two words.. alluring beauty. She wore a green top and maroon dress and she was slim and she sashayed as she walked.
Actually, i could wait for 700/171 at the bus stop right outside newton, but since she walked the other way, I decided to follow her, thinking that there was another bus stop below and i could take all the buses there. SO down down down we went, I followed behind me, looking at the way other people look at her.. and then, she didn't stop at the 2nd bus stop! and the 66 that came was crowded. So, i decided to follow her and walk on and on. So, there i was, following her as Balmoral Plaza finally came in view. Before crossing the road, she turned a little, and I could see her face again. So pretty! Finally, she went into 7-11 and i thought it was best that I stop the stalking business.
It's crazy isn't it? Must be the heat after sports day.. but I'm attracted to pretty things (haha..) and I was thinking of making "collecting pictures of beautiful people" my hobby. Unfortunately, I have no guts to go out to ppl and say: "Hey, I think you're beautiful. Can I take your picture?"

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Disorder Rating

Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Moderate

Schizotypal: Very High

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Moderate

Histrionic: High

Narcissistic: Moderate

Avoidant: Very High

Dependent: High

Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

URL of the test:

URL for more info:

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.
-Odd or eccentric mannerisms or appearance
-Superstitious or preoccupied with paranormal phenomena
-Difficult to follow speech patterns
-Feelings of anxiety in social situations
-Suspiciousness and paranoia
-Odd beliefs or magical thinking
-Appears shy, aloof, or withdrawn to others

(This is so me.. )

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. Avoidants are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidants yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.
-Social inhibition; retreating from others in anticipation of rejection
-Preoccupation with being rejected or criticized in social situations
-Fear of embarrassment results in avoidance of new activities
-Poor self-image; feelings of social ineptitude
-Desire for improved social relations
-Appear to others as self-involved and unfriendly
-Creation of elaborate fantasy lives (Isn't this so me?? ELABORATE fantasy life.. like Hello.. where is Eric??)

Friday, April 22, 2005

I feel so useless

I can't seem to do anything at all.

I don't do well academically. I suck at sports. I don't have a talent.

I'm the type of person whom nobody really knows or notice. People neither like me nor dislike me. I'm like that neutral object. People have no feelings towards me be it love or hate. And I always left people wondering whether I existed or not. Nobody really enjoys my company, I'm always that extra person.

If I disappearead from this world, I don't think it would make a difference. Nobody will notice, no one will care.

I don't think I know who I am anymore.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

WAAAAAAAA!! and i wrote a whole chunk of stuffs in my blog all gone!!!!!!!!! T_T so here I am rewriting again.. and I'm pretty PO-ed

Well, first of all.. All readers of my blog..


Or should I say, kiki, please vote for me. go to for more details or just click here to vote. I was kinda surprised to be one of the nominees actually.. feel I'm not qualified enough but oh well never mind.. anyways i got one of the lowest votes T_T so pull strings and call EVERYONE to vote for me ok!!

Anyways, two days ago, i lost my bus pass.. was totally and utterly devastated bcos without it i have to pay a lot for bus fares.. hmm.. and then yesterday, i found a handphone on the floor in school. It was a pretty expensive one. There was already 4 missed calls, the person probably frantically looking for his handphone. Then, the call came again and I picked up but cannot relli hear what the person say then he hang up. Then I tried calling back and cannot. Finally, he called again and asked me to return his phone to him. I asked him where he was, and he said he was outside LT3. So, I went from the cafeteria all the way up to LT3 (very far ok!! and a lot of steps to climb!!) Saw 3 guys outside the LT and held out the phone. One of them stepped forward and claimed it and said thanks a lot. If I was the handphone owner, I will probably grovel at the feet of whoever returned it to me.. maybe not.. hehehhe.. That guy was pretty lucky that such a nice and honest (ahem.. getting thick skinned here.. hahaha) person like me found his phone.

People cannot gain anything without sacrificing anything in return. In order to gain something, something of equal value is required. This is the principle of equivalent trade. (Which I learnt not in Economics, but in Fullmetal Alchemist =P ) So, by right, since I returned somebody his handphone, my bus pass should be returned to me. Anyways, called up the bus person and they said they found my EZ link card. YAY!!!!!!! I knew it! I knew I dropped it on the bus and those ungracious and uncaring people who saw didn't bother to tell me. Bcos i went up the bus, and I didn't even sit down and there was those big empty space for people to stand and I was on the bus only for two stops. So, I'm positive someone SAW me dropped my card, but didn't bother to tell me. Lots of trouble.. had to go all the way to Bukit Panjang interchange to get my card back. The principle of equivalent trade is a lie!! I DELIVERED the handphone to the guy and I had to go all the way to get my card back. and the handphone was much more costly than my card. Good thing I got it back tho...

Enough nonsense... VOTE FOR ME K??

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hoo... I actually PASSED my Econs test. haha... Been watching too much of Fullmetal Alchemist. That show is super funny and yet sad, and dark and mysterious.. sigh.. was so hooked on it I couldn't study in the weekends and ended up watching like 14 episodes on Sunday. Finally finished the whole thing yesterday...

Must have been watching too much bcos i kept having crazy dream of alchemy and the action of slapping the hands together and doing a human transmutation. O_O And i like the voice of Alphonse Elric.. so cutee!! hehe.. i relli like it.. =P and Edward Elric reminds me of Clef.. haha.. dunno why.

and i feel like learning Martial Arts! Hmm, yeah, learn it well enough so i can by some miracle be invited to LA to meet Dan and finally get married to him. (Umm.. yeah, fat hope) Never mind.. I still want to learn. Miracles happen right? (yeah right!) Hmm.. i think i might be able to go to Cairnhill CC with Sharon to learn Taekwando after she finishes her Jap class. But what we are both afraid of is that the class will be super full of kids and they will be like so much better than us .. so embarassing..

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

Hoo.. KIKI WENT TO SO MANY MORE COUNTRIES!! AHH! Never mind, when we go backpacking later we shall even it out righto? hee hee

Hmm.. feel like travelling now.. just realised so many hundred countries in the world i have yet to visit.. sigh.. and was feeling so T_T as i checked the box on United Kingdom. I wanted to protest.. NOooooooooo I've only been to England!! You can't count it as one! I've never been to Scotland... next time, i shall go to Scotland and Wales yah? then i can happily check the box.

hoohoo... number one on my countries I want to go list is of course...... SCOTLAND! No surprise.. hehe.. I just found out there's a place called New Caledonia. O_O you bet I'm gonna go and see wad it's all about..

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Your Beauty lies
in Dreams. Day-dreamer, creative and forever lost
in thoughts. You're a
dreamer, wanting more in your life than you have
now. Though you a lot of your
dreams never seem to leave your own mind. You've
created your own little world
inside that head of yours and you're most beautiful
when your mind is in
the clouds with sparkles in your eyes. You'd rather
be asleep than awake and
people find it hard to have long conversations with
you as you mind often
wanders and you aren't a big fan of reality. You
are long and almost child-like
probably with a great love for Fantasy or Science
Fiction. You're very creative
and most likely love to write wonderful stories or
draw and even sing, anything
creative that you can use that vast imagination of
yours. You're a bit of a
puzzle to people love to wonder as to what is going
in your mind.

Some Things
That Represent You:

Water, Wind Animal: Eagle Color:
Purples, Blues,
Pinks, Misty Colors Song: Imaginary by
Evanescence Expression: Blank Stare

Rose Quartz Mythological Creature: Unicorn,
Fairy Planet: Saturn Hair Color:
Blonde Eye Color: Violet

"I lie inside myself for hours and watch my
purple skies fly over me."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Have been studying Econs like nuts these few days...

Let's see.. on Friday.. I went for a picnic! YAY! went to City Hall MRT. I was late, so was Mindy. Clef was there the earliest. I reached there second, he was, as usual, in black. If he's not careful, he might get heat stroke in all that black. Mindy was late. And Clef was complaining bcos Mindy told him to come early and not be late, and he kept saying she was bad.. haha.. those two so funny... Clef was holding a huge umbrella and he was complainign about that: You told me to bring umbrella! and Mindy and I was laughign like nuts because he was carryign such a huge umbrella. and Mindy was like:" I told you to bring an umbrella, I didn't call you to bring such a huge one!" And i was just laughing and laughing as Clef continued to say Mindy was bad. hahaha..

we went to buy some chips and drinks for our picnic. As usual, Clef paid.. sheesh, i feel bad.. then, we went to Esplanade and had our picnic by the river. haha.. everyone was staring at us. We had our plates and plastic cups and pouring ourselves orange juice. And taking the bread, and putting the egg/prawn/mayo filling that Mindy made. YUMMY! Then, we also ate chips. yum yum.. and there were a few gawkables ang-mohs.. muahaha.. sometimes Mindy will nudge me if she sees one, if not i will nudge her, and Clef will give a huge groand and shake his head. haha.. Sally called and said she could join us but she would take really long to reach.

We walked to Clarke Quay, and arrived at the chicken dance place.. ahaha.. Sat on the bench. Felt bad bcos i forgot to bring camera. We had some leftover bread and there was this black pigeon in front, so we named it Sally and started feeding it bread. A second bird came. and a third bird came. and the real Sally arrived.. haha.. later, a total of 8 bird gathered as we threw them bread. and there was this awfully cute little boy running around the place.. Soooo cute!! feel like pinching him. and of course, several delectable ang-mohs passed by as well.. and one smiled at us.. :D

and we walked to City Link later.. and we had to pass by a whole long row of bars and restaurants which of course, is packed with ang-mohs.. sightseeing.. hahaha... We sat somewhere while Sally ate the stuffs she bought in 7-11 and that girl wouldn't stop talking about eyecandy. Me and Mindy went off somewhere for a little while and left her to torment Clef. haha.. Later, Sally had to go off first. Then, there was this Esprit fashion show, and the host is some guy called Mark from eye from a guy. and Mindy was like: He's so cute! See la, why you never bring camera?! uh....

Ah well.. it was a pretty fun and crappy day.. lots of ang-mohs along the way.. and several eyecandy talk, and a few Mindy is bad comments from Clef.. haha..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Watched Discovery Channel on German autobahn today. It's totally cool. I didn't know such a complicated and amazing system existed behind the autobahn. They have all sort of sensors and complex devices on the autobahn and it is monitored closely by a control station in Munich (Go Munchen!) So, if there is a traffic jam in one place, the control station will know, and they will send out a signal to change the sign on the display board (which is electronic) and the cars will change route so the traffic will clear up. Absolutely cool right? That's why you can really speed in Germany. And the autobahn are really mantained very well. It's all so cool! The structure is really strong, and the road surface hardly cracks. It's no wonder the Germans love their auto and autobahn. haha.. But of course..the hassle is that you have to learn averagely 3 months to get used to the autobahn. and driving school costs about 2000 (euros or dollars? i dunno)

Oh, and I was watching Discovery Travel and Living. and they were showing festivals all over the wall. SO, they were showing one festival in England, where they commemorate the battle of Hastings. And after that, they showed the Highland Games in Scotland. I really sat up and stared googly-eyed at all the scots in kilts running about. But it was so short!! The snippet was so bloody short, i got mad and stood up and turned off the TV.. haha..

And i have to say.. I really love Disney Channel! I mean.. I never watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. never liked them. Never liked any of their cartoons either.. I like almost everything in Disney channel! My favourite House of Mouse, Untalkative Bunny, Art Attack... and sometimes they will have a history on Walt Disney's life and Hidden Mickey game.. haha.. totally love Mickey! I really love Mickey as in Mickey Mouse, not Eric.

I wonder ...

I have a friend "2". To me "2" is a really great pal of mine, but for some strange reasons.. I don't think 2 feels the same way. It might be a figment of my imagination, but somehow it feels.. terrible. I feel 2 regards me as a normal friend, someone you're ok with, but not exactly great friends with.

I don't know.. it seems like most of my life, I've regarded a number of people as my close friends. Somehow, they don't seem to feel the same way. I suddenly feel like nobody really likes me.. Suddenly, I'm not even sure if my friends like me.. Sheesh. It's silly.. they do right? i mean.. sigh.. i don't know anymore. I've always thought 2 regarded me as one of her close pals.. maybe not.

Trusting someone seems so hard these days. I trusted a friend once, and the friend broke that trust. I can forgive, but not forget. It will perhaps remain in my memory...

I think now of all the friends I have.. sheesh.. I'm so silly. Of course I love my friends, and they like me back ( i mean.. i'm so lovable.. how could they not? haha.. thick skin disease..)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I don't understand Econs ... AT ALL!!

I mean, the teacher is like talking in Greek. He assumes we know a whole lot of things when my Econs knowledge is non-existent. Talk a lot of nonsense which I don't understand at all. Today's lecture was basically unfruitful because I have no idea what the heck he was talking about.

And he says there's going to be a test next week. and I'm like.. Hellooo?? You want me to do 3 months worth of mind boggling Econs in one week? I don't even understand you and you want me to master all that work in one week so I can sit for one stupid test? Man.. this sucks!

And I think there's going to be a surprise test this term for History. I don't even have history notes and the history teacher has taught NOTHING! Sheesh.. first three months is such a bad idea. 2nd intake students are at such a HORRIBLE disadvantage.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Wore SAJC uniform today.. hmm.. it's nice. though SMSS uniform is really MUCH easier to wear. Plus it's no longer easy to spot SMSS ppl in the sea of similar uniforms now.. It used to be so easy..

hmm.. today's classes was alright. We had to do some speech for this class. Gosh, I just talk nonsense.. hehe.. I didn't mention a word about Germany or Scotland.. isn't that an achievement?

Was supposed to go to church with Mindy yesterday, and then meet Sally and Clef (if he find clothes to wear..haha!) after church. Unfortunately, :( Mindy was sick and everything was cancelled.. sigh.. was so looking forward to seeing them. But, I met Sally and we went to eat together.. haha.. as usual, she talked non stop about her eyecandy.. She keeps saying he's not my eyecandy, but she talks continuosly about him.. sheesh.. back to the days of my poor suffering ears.. haha..

The guys in SA aren't much to look at.. and I've kinda turned to looking at girls.. (not that I'm gay or anything..) Ah well, enough crap.. suddenly feel like writing my story.. wonder how long the mood will last..

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Went to Francophone Festival with kix and khine today. It was fun!

Ok, so um.. there was some prize giving thingy. Was so jealous of the guy who got the tickets to France.. after that, we ate.. yum yum.. cute French guys scattered here and there.. har har.. the most delicious food... Swiss Cheese.. yummy. and the guy who handed the cheese to us too.. haha.. he was laughing as he handed the cheese.. Later me and Khine went to some corner and got stoned.. haha.. i just happily gave the beer bottle to the bartender and he opened it without question and gave it to me with a smile. so easy.. yup and me and khine just laughed and laughed while we stare at Mr crocodile (a painting) trying to hook a girl..

And French was being spoke everywhere and it made me feel one sure thing.. I WANT TO LEARN GERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiki: When did German come in?
Bel: Never mind!

Persuading Clef to go to church with me and Mindy. sheesh.. so hard to persuade that guy... and he's starting to use all the cool and cheem words.. hahahaha.. that always makes me laugh and go nuts.. "
"I wield the sanctimonious blade of deffersion"
"with my incredibly deceitful stealth, i can escape under the cover of darkness"
Haha.. should I drink more? haha.. enough of wine and beer.. I'm stoned already!

Friday, April 01, 2005

TGIF!!! I LOVE Fridays!! YES! Tomorrow's Saturday, I'm gonna sleep till noon.. hehehe..

Woke up earlier than usual today and got to school by 7.10. wauw.. finally not late.. but have to wake up pretty early. Had some talks in the hall, I slept, I really slept.. I was like nodding off, wake up, nod off.. haha.. Then we had break, then we went for Lit. Gosh, we had to write so much boring. After that, had another one hour break. Me and Vicks went to the library and I was reading The Time Traveller's wife. I have to say... THE WW2 BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY ARE AWFULLY DISSAPOINTING!!! T_T I was expecting more things.. but only those few.. I mean, the ww2 books in MI are so delicious I wanted to borrow all of them. And even SMSS has much more history books.. so sad.. I really expected more. There's a lot on the war itself, the third reich, but there isn't much on Hitler himself, his life, holocaust.. blabla.. HMMPH!!

After break, we went for GP. It was pretty ok.. kinda scared by it tho... My English is pretty terrible in many ways. and I will miss writing compos.. T_T better update my fp soon.. Yup yup, after that, me, Sharon, Vicki, Kelly and Sophia went to Chinatown to buy uniform. I was supposed to go with Rini, but dunno where that girl go. Then, later, Sophia's boyfriend joined us to buy uniform. We got lost..haha.. walked around a whole lot. On the way, I bought sausage.. yummy.. Then, I saw this tall angmoh guy. When I saw his face, I was like ..... so cuteee!! He's really really tall! and i was telling Vicks and she said, I agree with you. Then, we told Kelly, and Kelly and Vicks kinda ran after him. And Vicki ran ahead of him and Kelly called out to Vicki and the guy naturally turned, so she got to see his face.. har har.. nice one.

We took pretty long there, keep trying this size and that size. Got some other people from SA there. And my classmate actually said hi to me.. so yay? And Hara called. actually she wanted to go out with me.. but I couldn't. :( finally ordered the uniforms bcos they were out of stock. Rini came later with her boyfriend. No wonder I couldn't find her in school, she ran off to meet him. Then, we went back to SA, and on the way, Vicks was telling some boat, cute guys and stranded on an island story. and a lot of other nonsense. And I sms Mindy to tell her about the cute ang moh guy and she sms back saying "Oh, you saw my boyfriend ah?" hahaha..

We got back to SA, bought the tie, and another set of uniform. Yup yup.. I saw my timetable.. sheesh.. so many empty slots.. will be sooo boring..

Oh yeah.. anyways, about the guys in SA.. I find them awfully... short.. haha.. 1/4 of them are shorter than me, some are same height, and very few are taller than me.. Oddly, there are a lot of look-alikes in SA. I saw this guy, i dunno what features of him reminds me a lot a lot of Dan. Maybe the nose..haha.. or his size. But I don't like him, I still like Dan. And there's another guy who looks a whole lot like Edmund when you see him from the side. But I don't like him either bcos I don't like Edmund, plus he's much too skinny. SO, basically, SA has nobody good enough to look at. I don't really mind tho.. i have Eric.. muahaha..

Miss my Nutsies buddies, kiki, khine, hara.. and my MI buddies, Mindy, Sally, Clef..