La nuova alba

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Have been studying Econs like nuts these few days...

Let's see.. on Friday.. I went for a picnic! YAY! went to City Hall MRT. I was late, so was Mindy. Clef was there the earliest. I reached there second, he was, as usual, in black. If he's not careful, he might get heat stroke in all that black. Mindy was late. And Clef was complaining bcos Mindy told him to come early and not be late, and he kept saying she was bad.. haha.. those two so funny... Clef was holding a huge umbrella and he was complainign about that: You told me to bring umbrella! and Mindy and I was laughign like nuts because he was carryign such a huge umbrella. and Mindy was like:" I told you to bring an umbrella, I didn't call you to bring such a huge one!" And i was just laughing and laughing as Clef continued to say Mindy was bad. hahaha..

we went to buy some chips and drinks for our picnic. As usual, Clef paid.. sheesh, i feel bad.. then, we went to Esplanade and had our picnic by the river. haha.. everyone was staring at us. We had our plates and plastic cups and pouring ourselves orange juice. And taking the bread, and putting the egg/prawn/mayo filling that Mindy made. YUMMY! Then, we also ate chips. yum yum.. and there were a few gawkables ang-mohs.. muahaha.. sometimes Mindy will nudge me if she sees one, if not i will nudge her, and Clef will give a huge groand and shake his head. haha.. Sally called and said she could join us but she would take really long to reach.

We walked to Clarke Quay, and arrived at the chicken dance place.. ahaha.. Sat on the bench. Felt bad bcos i forgot to bring camera. We had some leftover bread and there was this black pigeon in front, so we named it Sally and started feeding it bread. A second bird came. and a third bird came. and the real Sally arrived.. haha.. later, a total of 8 bird gathered as we threw them bread. and there was this awfully cute little boy running around the place.. Soooo cute!! feel like pinching him. and of course, several delectable ang-mohs passed by as well.. and one smiled at us.. :D

and we walked to City Link later.. and we had to pass by a whole long row of bars and restaurants which of course, is packed with ang-mohs.. sightseeing.. hahaha... We sat somewhere while Sally ate the stuffs she bought in 7-11 and that girl wouldn't stop talking about eyecandy. Me and Mindy went off somewhere for a little while and left her to torment Clef. haha.. Later, Sally had to go off first. Then, there was this Esprit fashion show, and the host is some guy called Mark from eye from a guy. and Mindy was like: He's so cute! See la, why you never bring camera?! uh....

Ah well.. it was a pretty fun and crappy day.. lots of ang-mohs along the way.. and several eyecandy talk, and a few Mindy is bad comments from Clef.. haha..


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