La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, January 31, 2004

continued watching the other half of monte cristo today. hehe actually rini supposed to come n study together today, but she never come.dunno why. last night she told me she not feelin well. so maybe that's the reason. so, anyway, i watched monte cristo. i have to say i am pretty disappointed with the movie.
but with the appearance of Albert adn the dramatic part in which Mercedes revealed that Albert is really Edmond's son. well, that made the movie
not bad. i think the movie would be quite good to me if i haven't read the book. i mean, the book is extra extra fabulous. so when they cut out a lot of parts, i was like wah wah. everythign happenend so fast. it's like suddenly Danglars is settled with, Villefort is arrested.
it all happens to fast. int he book, everything is slow slow slow, slow planning. maybe i should have watched the movie before the book. but come to think of it, i think i'll be dissapointed that Albert is really not Edmond's son. aih! But anyway, bfore watching the show, i was saying that Albert better be goodlooking in the movie cos i think he's not bad person from the book.
oh well, i wasn't disappointed. the Albert in the movie is cute cute cute. :) when he makes his first appearance, i was going yay! one cute guy is on. but i was so disappointed that Maximilien is not even in the movie!! wahhh! he's my favourite! but of course, if he's inside my expectation will be super great. i'll expect him to be really really cute. aihh.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Watched the Count of Monte Cristo halfway. he he. nice. but it's so different from the book. but the book is still nicer. it's da best! aih, haven't done SS homework. i'm really too lazy to do SS. aih. and i'm writing a story. o ho ho ho! It's a story that is grossly taken from the Moulin Rouge. haha.except now that the Christian equivalent is a girl. and the Satine equivalent is a guy. there's Moulin Rouge this sunday. yay!
"This story is and the man I loved is...dead."
ok, that, is the starting of my story. hehe, directly taken from the Moulin Rouge. except, i changed woman to man.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

weee! Today is Chinese New Year. i didn't even eat reunion dinner last night. all my siblings in America. and my mom said she didn't want to eat steamboat cos' we already ate last time when my sis was here. so last night, we ate rendang. this indo food. and today we ate Lontong. another indonesian food. hehe, actually i even suggested to my mom to eat steak for new year's eve. I read the Count of Monte Cristo. It's absolutely fabulous. It's teh type of book where you can't wait to see how the story progresses and yet you never want to finish the book cos' it's so good.
yesterday i watched a bit of the CNY celebration in channel 8. Honestly, i strongly dissaprove of the programme. every year, i see their celebration, i see them, wasting food! yes. yesterday they were playing the bamboo pole dancing thing or whatever while holding food. and i see the tea and the buns all drop on the floor and of course nobody is going to pick it from the floor and eat them. and later while they were doing the lao yu sheng, they were practically throwing the stuffs and the table the floor adn each other. ughh, the scene made me disgusted. think of all the hungry people in the world. while we were throwing food here, maybe a child is dying there because of starvation. i think that big plate of yu sheng can probably feed a whole village of people.
actually i feel guilty about myself too. i've saved up money to give to the World Vision. but i never do give it. it's like the money is there, but i never send it over. haiz.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Aih! had Chinese New Year celebration today. Not bad, the rythmic gym were good. and i like the dresses of the girls from the Singapore Ensemble. expecially that colourful one that this girl wore. I probably will be very bored these few days...ah...nothing to do.

ahh! went swimming with Rini today. so fun! at first we went to buy swimsuit, den we buy some snacks from 7 eleven. den we change n go swim! eheheheh, the water is so so cold! ahh, we swim a while, then eat chips. mmm, the seaweed flavour one is so good. we got so cold in the water. most of the time we were just talking. talk about teachers we respect, like mr ng, ms siti n mr lee. ahahaha, Mr Lee was great today! He is so funny! i was practically throwing my head back n laughing.
we also talk about the talented young. ahh, i really really feel like auditioning for Anne of Green Gables. i want. i want.
ah, n some day must see stu skate. wah, rini say she can do revolve 3 times n land on one leg. ahhh, so cool! i've always loved to watch skating. i love it, the feeling is like flying. especially when i watch Tara Lepinski. wah, her landing is so firm. ahh, unfortunately, i know nuts about skating.
anyway, we got really cold in the pool. we finished swimming at 9pm. wah, which meant we swam for two hours! quite fun lah, but haven't do homework! ahhh, how? so sleepy somemore, don't feel like doing.ughh. n riri going indo.....waaaah i want to go back too! I miss my rabbits!!

Sunday, January 18, 2004

ahhh! i realised i didn't bring home my chem textbook and experiment worksheet. which means i can't study for my test n i can't do my homework. aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i watched Band Of Brothers yesterday/ good show. poor guys. all bloody and dying. and the poor french nurse who always offers Eugene Chocolat. got Planet of the Apes! oh ya! i just remembered it now as i write it. must watch must watch. arrr

Saturday, January 17, 2004

wweee! i love the dimple boy on my desktop! sent my sis off today. aih, i'm all aloneeeyy again! nowadays i've been thinking of deeper stuffs. aihh, i want to go to Europe, that's for certain.ah i'm hungry hungry hungry!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

ugggh!have to wait till my mom come home bfore i can use the com.cos she has the password. and i had to do my english homework. uggh. bought teh first magazine n my maid accidentally tore the poster. aih. but i'm still longing for the dec issue. uggh so hard to use this com. everytime will have to ask my mom, until i finish my o'levels. that means i have to beg for password for a year. geez. i'm so stupid!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Actually I feel angry angry angry. Angry because they do not allow me to use my computer. But now I put it in such mild words. Uggh I just want to scream and ahhhh I never knew how to describe my feelings anway. But I felt so stupid, for putting an easy guessable password. And just so mad!
I feel so restricted! How can they take my rights away from me just like that! N my mom said I can go online on weekends and she didn’t let me go on Friday night and my com was locked with password so I couldn’t go online the whole day today. Honestly I’m mad mad mad. I feel like I’m filled with darkness. I was chanting les prisonnieres over n over yesterday. N I started drawing the little girl with the guy behind her with the knife on her neck. It’s like there’s a dark being inside me. Really dark. Honestly if I have the guts I would have killed myself when I feel depressed. Honestly I’ve contemplated killing myself lots of times before. But well just to say I’m a damn bloody coward.
You can say I hate my mom n yet I don’t. but it seems like she’s always wrongly accusing me and I don’t like it. She thinks I’m some really lazy kid of hers. N I never do maths n I’m disobedient. But well I do try to do my homework. It’s just that they never saw it. Like I did social studies the whole day I did my history homework. I try I do. Maybe I slack a bit for maths but uggh
Sometimes I don’t want to care anymore. I hate everyone and yet I do not. I love my father and my mom always manage to make me guilty about it. Like I never study hard n I’ll be wasting my dad’s money. And I love all my friends. They’re so nice! I mean if I don’t have a friend I’ll probably go insane or something now.
But sometimes i’m surrounded by many many people and yet I still feel so so lonely. Ahh!
Tomorrow I lose my freedom again. I won’t be able to touch this com until I don’t know when. And I shouldn’t even be writing all this stuffs cos my sis knows this site. Ahh!

Was doing work the whole afternoon. The stupid SS. Do until headache. Then I went for a swim with me dad. Wah water so refreshing! Uggh I’m banned from using the com. Yesterday wanted to use n cannot. N the password was changed n have to wait until now den can use! Uggh im so mad
I want to rebel!

Thursday, January 08, 2004

we formed a gang today! Yay for les prisonniers!

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Haih! Went out to buy school books n stuffs with my mom n bro. later we split. N I went alone to Far East. Quite nice also lah, go out alone. I went to this old bookstore n bought an Italian dictionary for $6.
Later borrowed books from library. tired

Friday, January 02, 2004

Ah…thanks so much Kiki! I love the show! It’s wonderful! Though the guy didn’t really look like Adolf Hitler. Too thin.
I’m so bored. Feel like going out tomorrow. But nobody to go out wif. Aih..just wonder around myself lah. See if I can get Helen of Troy.
I saw Rini’s mag n I saw the pic of Orlando Bloom as Paris. Somehow I don’t like it. I’m sorry all Orlando Bloom fans, but he looks terrible! Agh! The Paris in Helen of Troy is nicer than the Paris in Troy. Oh goodness I wonder what that Paris is called. He is so cute!!
Don’t mind me n don’t get offended. I’m not saying Bloom is ugly, but in that pic. Uggh, nothing compared to whoever that guy is.
Ahh, feel like watching rotk again. But I have to save up. So many good shows to show. Sniff sniff..wish I can just download them. Can’t wait till Big Fish. Yes, it is a must watch!

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Aih. School tomorrow. Ahhhhhhhhh I’m trying to finish up my phy n Chinese. I don’t think we’ll need to pass up by tomorrow. But..aih. why start on Friday?? So weird. Why don’t just start on Monday. Goodness!
Aih I miss dimple n dori! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I miss them!!! I hope they don’t get cold in the flood. My neighbor is probably safe. Their house is so tall n big. It’s 3 times higher than my house! I think most of the flood water will come to my house cos it’s so low compared to my neighbour’s house.
I’m bored at home. Haven’t been going out these two days..n ahh…school starting. N there’s so many movies I want to watch. People said that Love actually n Mona Lisa smile r good. Aih, no money to go n watch.
N I am thourghly sick with the Nazis. I sort of lost all interest in them. Blah! I don’t want to see another sight of the swastika n the horrible SS. I’m not int
Am not interested in reading any more Nazi stories n I don’t even feel like watching Nazi movies. I watched Schlinder’s List a bit yesterday n believe or not, I was thoroughly bored. I don’t like it. I only watched the first one hour of it though. But I thought the director was having fun making all those blood n violence n shooting. The more disgusting n bloody the better. I don’t like it! It’s like those type of movie, with sex n violence. Yes, the show actually pictured the Nazis with naked woman. Erhmm. It’s like the director just wants it to be bloody. There is no story of humanity, kindness. It’s like the whole one hour I watched is just senseless killing with no story. Maybe the back part of the show is nice but heck. I don’t like it and this is one of the first Nazi movie that I don’t like.
Sigh…Life is Beautiful is the best. It shows the love of the man for his wife and son. It shows how he tries to make life beautiful for his son. I love that one!
Aih, enough of those.

One day one day
We will live in a place
That is beautiful.
There’s no war there. No violence.
Just peace and happiness
And laughter.
Yes, laughter. But for now
As we will in a place full of wickedness and cruelty,
Let us fill this place with laughter,
So that the bitterness of this world may soon pass
And the wait for perfect world will seem shorter.
So let us laugh and be happy
For when we are happy
Life is beautiful.