La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, July 28, 2006

I just found out that one of my most favorite fantasy writers, David Gemmell, had passed away.


Tragic! I really wasn't expecting it. I didn't even know the author looked like but I thought he couldn't be very old or anything. He was 57. and I've been seeing new books coming out in Borders and all along I just thought he'll still be there. And now his Troy series would be unfinished...

I really liked the Rigante series. The characters were described perfectly and wonderfully and he had a way of connecting his characters to readers and it's really wonderful! No other fantasy writer had made me successfully cry when reading the book except for his "Ravenheart" and Tolkien's "LOTR:The two towers".

Well, I do recommend his books to people who likes fantasy. The best elements of his books are his realistic yet heroic characters. When I told my brother the news, his mercenary instincts took over and he immediately remarked on how Gemmell's books would start to get more expensive. Sheesh...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ah... the Berkeley air does me much good. After a stifling, sweltering hot time back at home, my visit here is literally like a breath of fresh air. The wind is cooling compared to the warm wind that makes your skin burn back in PH.

and yes, it is actually pretty cold here. Such that I have to put on my sweater at night. It is a lovely day and I'm convinced I'm neurotic.

Sometimes I think it would be a mighty fine thing to be a little more normal.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

oops. Tried putting music here but now none of the graphics are showing. But things were fine yesterday though. THe music doesn't play in Firefox browsers anyways.

But oh welps, can't be bothered to figure out what's wrong. I'll just leave it like this... unreadable.. ahaha.. The music is Leyendas de Pasion. Legends of the fall.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cool hand luke! Cool hand Luke! Yeah!

My latest favorite movie. I haven't watched a good movie for a long time since I watched V for Vendetta. Now Cool Hand Luke is a GREAT movie. Don't bother checking the newspapers or online for trailers. It's not a recent movie or anything. It's from 1967.

and it's fabulous.

I've been gushing about it in LJ mostly. Watched it in Film class yesterday and today. Great great great show! John Newman's a gem. Great storyline and great acting. wheee... if only they sell it cheaper on ebay.

I still haven't gone to watch POTC. It was out July 7. ironic, especially since Kelly even went to get an advance ticket when I could have watched it earlier than she will evenwith a regular ticket. If I got an advance one, I could've probably watched it in June. I heard it wasn't all that great though. Plus I'm a wee bit sick of movies since I watch one every single film class.

Monday, July 10, 2006

SO I did it.

I dropped my Math and Sociology class and took German class instead.

What's bugging me:

German class starts at 8am. So I have to get up early every single school day for fall. T_T waaaaaaa

and I hope I get a good teacher too. the teacher is still UNKNOWN. sheesh.

Summer school ends in...3 weeks!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Went to Marine World today. It wasn't all that fun. I came back really really tired.

Well, woke up pretty early. Got there and the group decided they wanted to go on Medusa. This scary looking triple loop roller coaster traveling at an amazingly high speed. We had to take off all slippers/flip flops cos our feet were dangling down. Gosh. That makes me so insecure. and the ride was SERIOUSLY SCARY. Cos the first part of the ride, it was a long long long ride up slowly and an almost vertical (yes I swear it;s almost vertical) drop down. and honestly I thought my guts were going to fall off. and then I was spun around the world and the coaster spun and spun and we were going left right up down. and i don't want to talk about it anymore since talking about it has just made me relieve the experience and i can feel myself going dizzy all over again.

after that, we went on another coaster. It was less scary, but really bumpy and the safety bar bumped my pelvis bone so much i thought it would crack. After that, we went for the whale show. It was suprisingly short and boring. I mean, we were sitting in the wet zone but the whale didn't even splash us. Plus there weren't much tricks at all. I'm used to seeing spectacular animal show so this one really disappointed me.

After the show, ate a miserly lunch. The sun was sweltering by then and we were dying to be splashed by water. Lined up for this bridge where we could get water, but reached the end of the line only to find out that adults could not be admitted without children. It was a kiddy attraction. Gah. Trudged to a water ride. The line was ridiculously long. I was dying of thirst and had no water cos i had finished it. It was terrible and we waited like almost an hour to get on the ride. It was pretty fun I should say. I LOVE water rides (despite having gotten stuck on one before). It was like white water rafting kind and halfway through the ride there was this mini waterfall that splashed some of us. Some of the guys were totally soaked and I got half soaked. haha.. fun. But it was so short a ride for an hour of waiting in line!!

After that, we practically did nothing but walk around, dying in the heat. After a while, we went home. And I was so dead beat and thirsty. Got home and gulped down 3 glasses of cold milk and 1/4 glass of orange juice (there was no more). Sigh.

I got sunburnt too. My face. and I think i just got 3X tanner than usual again. My skin is turning the color of ash. AHHHHHHHHH

Friday, July 07, 2006

Oh boy, I'm swamped. My feet are killing me. Currently savoring my delicious juicy strawberries.

I just came back from ice skating. It was fun, even though I couldn't skate. I fell more than 8 times and got my bum soaked. But yeah, it was still fun. Went there at night with my sis and her friends. It was kinda cool cos it was pretty dark and they had those spotlights on. Actually I was pretty fine trying to skate on my own, but a few of my sister's friends would come and push me around and I got freaked out and kept falling. But yeah, it was fun. When I fell one time, these 3 black kids were like: Did it hurt? and another was like: I fell too at first! See?

I'm going to Marine world tomorrow. I guess I'll get wet again with all the rides. I hope I won't get stuck on any rides like that time in SeaWorld at Australia.

I still haven't started on my English essay with all these activities coming up...I guess I'll work on it Sunday. bleh.

Oh and did I mention the 4th of July fireworks? I could see them up close and clear from my balcony. It was so cool!! It's like I could almost feel them. I've never seen fireworks so close before. Normally I'm jostled in the middle of a crowd and have to raise my head and tiptoe and all. But there I was, standing on my balcony and just marvelling at the sight. Awesome! I love me new place.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

GERMANY LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since it's Italy that won, it's not that bad but...
somehow I feel so sad for Germany. SIGH.
I realize none of my Italian friends are online. must be partying somewhere.

I WANT A TV!!!!!!!! This sucks! Where can I watch live soccer matches online?????


It seems like I have to decide between German and Japanese faster than I thought. I thought i had all my fall classes done and there was no need for any change. But I thought about it. If I take the language next spring, I only have 3 terms to do it before I transfer. That's not enough! I need like at least 4!! So that means I have to take one language this fall. crap. I still can't make my decision.

It's like I'll be learning 2nd term Italian at the same time. So whatever this language is, it will be difficult for me to learn because I will be learning 2 at one time. I know for one that German will definitely be the more difficult of the two due to the pronounciation and spelling and grammar and all. Of course Jap will be difficult too, but it seems to be more umm... manageable. I don't know, maybe I just can't get over that mini trauma of one German conversational class where I didn't understand the teacher, couldn't read her handwriting and 90% of the class already knew German from high school.

If I take Jap and work at it, I think I might be able to get an A. But I'm not so sure for German. plus my mom says it'll be easier for me to practice Jap since I watch Jap stuffs and have Japanese friends. It's practically impossible to practice German. But if I take Jap, I know there will be this tug at my heart that says, If you go to Germany, you will cry. Definitely. If I go to Germany not being able to speak a single word of German, I will certainly go mad. I wish the world cup can decide for me. But currently it's Germany Vs Italy. Not much help eh? If there was one such match Germany vs. Japan. hehe... but I guess Germany will win. bwahaha... okay.. I'm offending all Japs supporters out there. sorry sorry. and waaaaaa I need a TV i want to watch!!!!

GAH! Maybe I'll try and find my counselor and ask him. I'll probably make my decision say end of this week or maybe next. Before the classes are all closed. If I really can't make a decision, maybe I'll sign up for German class, sit in for Japanese class and see which one I like better. I have a feeling ... German.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

WAHOO! Sword of Angels paperback is scheduled to be published on July 5th!

But I was shopping with my mom. Was half dead as usual after every shopping outing. Passed by a Borders Express store. Went in and decided to peep at the fantasy section. Tried to see if they were John Marco's books so I didn't need to go all the way downtown on July 5th to get the book. I saw his name-- John Marco on one book. Pulled it out.


It's the Sword of Angels paperback! Gasp gasp gasp! It's out already? But... but...but... Checked the book, good condition, no creases. Good. Walked to the counter and purchased it.

BWAHAHAHA... that was the fastest purchase time I tell you. It took me 5 seconds to decide that i WANT the book. It's mine now, my own, my preciousssss