La nuova alba

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

Hoo.. KIKI WENT TO SO MANY MORE COUNTRIES!! AHH! Never mind, when we go backpacking later we shall even it out righto? hee hee

Hmm.. feel like travelling now.. just realised so many hundred countries in the world i have yet to visit.. sigh.. and was feeling so T_T as i checked the box on United Kingdom. I wanted to protest.. NOooooooooo I've only been to England!! You can't count it as one! I've never been to Scotland... next time, i shall go to Scotland and Wales yah? then i can happily check the box.

hoohoo... number one on my countries I want to go list is of course...... SCOTLAND! No surprise.. hehe.. I just found out there's a place called New Caledonia. O_O you bet I'm gonna go and see wad it's all about..


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