La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Hello! ouch, my foot hurts!! stupid blister! You see i was sending Riri to the bus stop. she came to my house to play game. but my com is bonkers. and she looks so bored. sorry Rini!! anyway, it was raining and i was wearing this stupid sandal that keeps cutting into me feet. ughh. that's why got blister. Hmm...yesterday i watched To be or not to be. again. Kiki lent it to me. she has such intersting shows. I love that show. Just like i love Life is Beautiful. oui! It is hilariously funny! i was going hahaha eveyr moment. I love the naughty nazis thing. A little peace. I love it!! it's so hilarious. and i love Mutki or wahtever. and I think the Lieuntanent is quite cute. not very though. and Hitler was going Heil myself. and Jules. Jules is so funny! Bwahahaha! he's so stiff and goes Heil Hitler all the time. ahahaha. Oui, mua love de show!!!
Today have funfair. and riri walk around the school. Kiki bought me candy. Thanks a lot! I didn't bring stupid! I was longing to hear Ewan McGregor and kiki and riri requested for the song. oui! Danke!! I love Ewan McGregor!! Anyway, Riri wants to go Orchard. but we have to go for concert at 7pm later. so i call mama n ask her if i can go. mama says i have to be home by 4. so i say ok.
later got spring cleaning. wahh our class suddenly so clean! oui! Great! later after school, me n riri going to orchard. but riri forgot that she promised zhiyu to go watched Uptown Girls. I'm broke, so i never go with em. then i take the bus, n limp home. (cos of my silly blister) then i found mama is not at home!!! waa!! she tot I'm coming home at 4. No food!!! so i cook instant noodles plus egg. :) hehe!! quite nice! :) it's quite nice to stay home after all. I'll go sleep concert later/ not in the mood to go. But I promise Riri I'll go. so can't break a promise rite? :)
By the way, i have a French friend. He's coming to Singapore.Is it safe to meet him? He's a grown up. well well. i better ask my mama.
Oh yeah!! we got history homework! I love the history homework!!! I love it!! Mr Lee is so great! wah, we're supposed to do a propaganda poster. oui!! I want to do well. I think I'll go crazy thinking of what to draw/ It'll be German of course. I must try me best. I must think myself as Josef Goebbels. i must think Hitler as my leader. I must think i hate Jews. (mind you, I DO NOT HATE JEWS!!!) Waa, i love this homework.
I love history!! if it's about ww2 of course! i think me favourite teacher is ms s.ho. i think she's so funny! she's always sayign pots and pots of 2nd fav teacher is probably Mr Lee SB. He's quite funny too. fierce sometimes, but quite nice. haha all my fav. teachers are history teachers!!
Ciao! I'm listening to Ewan McGregor now...hey..why does ewan looks as if he's doing the Nazi salute?


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