La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Ate fried mantou today. Mmmmm…………………
More on Danke: Well, he’s pretty cute. Still bites sometimes and licks sometimes. We managed to teach him come and sit. Smart little Danke. I better take a pic of him soon, before he grows bigger. My mom says two weeks ago, he was smaller. He’s grown about ¼ of his original size now. Phew. So fast. Just now we put him in his cage for along time while we went out. When we came back, I let him out and he was so happy he licked and licked and licked me and followed me everywhere. Heheh
A bit disappointing on the lead though. Whenever you try to put the lead on him, he BITES! Growls whatever. I was expecting him to be like Caeser, my bro’s roomate’s dog. Cute, white, and you put the lead on and he dashes, pulling you along. CUTE! Danke…instead of running forward after u put the lead, he runs towards you and tries to bite you. And he eats the rabbits’ poo, what is wrong with him?!
Just now, Dimple and Danke had a big fight. I already got Dori out of the way cos she never fights back. Danke while cbasing Dimple all around, while Dimple retaliates with an occasional swab of his claws. Well, at least Dimple knows how to defend himself.


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