La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Watched Mama Mia today. The songs are ringing in my head now...hehe.. We keep laughing at the programs/CD guy. HAHAHAHA. I wonder if he knows we're laughing at him.
Mama Mia is nice. I find that Sam sings in a really funny way, but who cares? I'm being openly biased bcos he's the one that owns the bagpipe. And Khine Mon kept peering at the pit bcos there was a magazine featuring Jude Law there. As for cute guys...kixie likes one of the audience, Khine likes the conductor and Jude Law, as for me...??? i dunno. actually there was this dark haired guy whom i thought was pretty cute. But in one of the scene, he kissed a girl. I thought that was completely unnecessary bcos nobody is supposed to be looking at him. They're supposed to be looking at the main characters. So, why'd he kiss the girl for? Oh well, for that very unneccesary kiss, i don't like him. hehehe.
UH...tomorrow have to go to school. Boring. dunno wad I'll do after that...I'm always bored. I thought I'll have a lot of things to do. but apparently, everyone seems to be too busy doing their own things.


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