La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, February 28, 2005

Went to school. Anticipating results...Just as I stood up to get it..

"You have outstanding fees..go to the office."


Ok, so I watched stupidly as my whole class got their results. What's the point of being index number 1? THen, i went down to the office. The person says, you have to pay $432. And i'm like HELLO? Do I look like I got that much money to you? So, they told me to see Mrs Khoo. She's not in her office. ok, then I saw the principal. She told me to go to the hall to find Mrs khoo. Mrs Khoo said something that I didn't understand. So, I called up my brother and asked him to lend me 4oo bucks so i can pay the school the next day. then, i went to find Mrs Khoo again and she told me to look at my results first and when i pay, i can bring the slip home. Ok then..

So, I went to see my results. Laa dee dum.. So, I took it from the person to get a closer look.
English: A1 (Whoopie! I think a lot goes to the oral..haha..thankew for my British accent.. :P I thought the Flight compo wasn't too good..and i can't even remember what our compre was all about..)
English Literature: A2 (I'm completely disappointed... :( I really really do want an I'm sad..yeah..cos that's one of the things I studied really hard for.. SIGH!!)
Combined Humanities: A1 (Whoopie! I completely did not expect this. Come on, getting an A1 for SS is completely unimaginable to me. yipee..i told myself if i get bad for History, I'll kill myself..thank God there's no need for suicide. hee wonder Mr Anthony told me I can take History now. YAY!)
Mathematics:B3 (Yup! completely surprise)
Chemistry:B3 (can't say I'm great in my sciences..but oh well, i don't care anyway. art subjects matter more to me than sciences..)
Physics:B3 (absolutely a miracle.. haha.. and it doesn't matter to me how much i get for this either..)
Chinese: B3 (Duh..i didn't retake..i don't see how the marks could have changed..)


I think our school did pretty well. Kirsty was the top student, 8 A1s..YAY for her! I wish Mrs Lee could have seen all that we've done. She would have been really proud of us.

and now I don't know where to go..should I go CHina? my friends advise me not to...they say wasted..should go JC..ack! i dunno. the thought of staying in Singapore for another 2 years and taking A levels makes me want to go nuts..


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