La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I think i offended someone. oops
But no, i don't mean to.

I think i'm over sensitive. but sometimes i can't help it. But i tend to be offended by things easily. no, i do not wish to talk about this.
But i get so upset sometimes. Two nights ago, i was just crying in bed. i hate it. i think it's ok for other people to cry. but i cannot cry. i don't know why. I don't think i'm supposed to cry. i don't think i deserve to feel sad. well, true. there are so many other people worse off than me, why am i crying then.

Today i saw how poor Myanmar was. the poor children and teenagers there. sometimes i do so very much want to help, but i feel so unable to do know, like there's so many things you want to buy and yet you want to help these people so much. and when you buy something you feel selfish because some people out there are starving. and my WVI money is still rotting in my piggy bank. There's around 30 something dollars there. but i think it's so little. when i can earn my own money, i want to adopt a child. not as in bring a child home, but you pay a fee very month to feed this child somewhere. but i can't afford that now.

Nowadays i feel so alone. and suddenly a lot of people starts to matter to me a lot. People like Kirsten and Vicki, they're probably my only close friends in school that i talk to most of the time. well, in fact i don't have any friends from outside the school, except for maybe my primary school friend, whom i haven't contacted for so long. And of course Lotta matters very much to me. I haven't received a mail from her for very long, but i called her during the one week holiday, so that makes up. Actually me and her are very different, like the type of songs we listen to. She's just like any normal teenager, she listens to those normal songs. and she sent me two cds of it, which i listened to over n over again. and of course, for me, i like...hehe...Bagpipes!! in fact, i think i'm over-reliant on bagpipes to relieve my stress. and of course in our fashion n a lot of other things, we're very different. but i'm so so glad we bond so well. I hope she will come and visit me soon.

But there's a question in my head. is it true when two people are really different, they cannot get along? I do know i'm very different from a whole lot of people. I was talking with my second bro online the other day. i realise in the family, i'm the most similar to him. We both LOVE Braveheart. he's more crazy about it, in fact, he's watched it 3 times on tape, 3 times on TV, 3 times on DVD. Great eh? and he likes bagpipes too. but i suppose i'm more crazy in that aspect. and he told me to watch the Last Samurai. Sorry for the interruption, anyway...oh, me n me bro were talking and i asked him, what would you do when you see a spider? He said, shoo it away? i told him i will talk to it. in fact, i befriended a spider and called him Tobey McSpidey. Ahahaha!
I have actually quite a number of friends in school, but we aren't very close. i suppose it;s bcos i'm pretty different from them, huh.but i actually believe two different people can be friends. if not, how can Lotta and me click? < oh my gosh, John stevens is not in the bottom three, thankkkk goodness!!> My bro says it's ok to be different, because he asks me, what is normal? i say like the rest, like the same taste. but my bro says, if u don't like it and you try to like it, that'll be following. and no, i don't intent to follow. i like bagpipes, you don't like it, fine, who cares. as long as i like it. i think my second bro is really cool. well, maybe cos u want to know any good games n good movies, just ask him, and since his taste n mine r pretty similar i get pretty good stuffs.



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