La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Yay for 4e5 yahoo group. i'm the moderator. muahahahah

had so much fun taking pics today. sitting on the stairs and taking auto shots and standing behind mr lee and doing all sort of funny things. i like the pic where me, kiki, khine and hara are on the stairs. hara looks like model. and so fun autographing people's book and kix's letter to me was so nice!! and i kowtowed to kiki. wahahaha. siao.

received me report book. l1r5 :20. they never moderate anything extra. i only got the general moderation. :( don't know whether should go JC or not. dunno which JC wants me also. so lousy. if i don't go JC will my mama still let me stay in Singapore and take French classes? or will she send me back to Indonesia and don't let me come again?


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