La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

lalala..what date is it today??? aha! i think it should be the 11th. oui! it's 9pm now. :P i spent the whole day playing Grim Fandango today. The com here is much better than the one in Singapore. it has a mouse...and the graphic in Fandango is much better, no double images. but during the short clips the sounds are cut into pieces. well, at least the clips are short.
haha, all the difficult puzzles in Grim got me nuts! but i do realise that Lucas arts likes the dead, or the undead. In monkey 3, Captain LeChuck had the whole horde of undead armies. and in Grim, it's packed with the dead that is not dead...Cripes//the undead are everywhere~!
anyway, you probably won't know what I'm talking about if you haven't played the games. But let me tell you, they are VERY FUN!
didn't play much with my rabbits today..but they are definetely as cute as ever...i fed Dimple with a piece of mango. he likes it. he eats anything! thata greedy pig/imean rabbit/Dori sniffs at it and walks away. she doesn't eat everything. but she can be a little bit stupid. you know, like you have her most favourite food on your hand and she's just a few metres away and she doesn't even know it. While Dimple, oh no. you may be miles away and he charges to you to get his food. and i always keep the rabbit biscuit in this plastic bag. The rabbits are sort of trained to hear it already. once they hear the sound of the plastic bag, they will gather at the spot where i always put down the adorable!!!
saw a rat outside the house just now...yeww...i hear this sound, i was hoping: plase please let it be a cat..but was a rat!!!
Rats! Indo is making me all rounded. I mean FAT! and very! I think when i go back to school you people probably won't recognise me. probably ask:are you new??
Everyday i just wake up, sit around, eat chocolate, eat sweet mangoes, eat nata de coco...and goodness knows what other junks...and sleep....waaa....I'm turning into a pig! Maybe i should start forming the association for greedy humans and rabbits.


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