La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

This morning, I was awoken by an urgent hurried knock on my door. It was my brother. I opened the door sleepily. My brother stood at the door, dressed for work. "goodbye!" He said and gave me a hug. He wouldn't be seeing me again after work, so, he's giving me an early goodbye. And he told he especially left the laptop at home so I could use it. wow, I have the best brother in town. I happily went online. What a glorious morning! Chat with some people and played Gunbound with HuiBing. Then, I went to the airport. When I got into the waiting lounge, there were two Latino looking guys there. One really tall, the other one shorter. They looked ok, not too cute, the shorter one looks nicer though. My mom, me n my maid sat behind them. Later, we boarded the plane. Turns out that the latino guys were sitting in front of us. oh well...

As i was sitting and chattering like a monkey, this guy passed by me. I looked up, this rather cute Korean looking guy. He sat behind me. The plane went ok. I was the only smartass who had a headphone with the plug that can be used in the plane, so I was the only one who got to listen to music. And then, came the food. Croissant and potatoes. Yummy. Today was really a fantastic day. Then, I got up and went to the toilet. I came out happily. I walked slowly to my seat, and the shorter Latino guy smiled at me. I smiled back, I think. happily, I went to my seat. I was still happy when my mom said, "sit down, there's something I need to tell you." I didn't like the look on her face. It had to be bad news. I knew it had to be. I sat down slowly.
"I've been keeping it from you for a long time already." I didn't know what to think. But I felt afraid. "Your Dimple is dead."
WHACK! I don't know how to describe my feelings/ but It felt like someone just whacked me across the head with a baseball bat. She continued to tell me about it. SHe didn't want to tell me earlier because I was having my exams and she was afraid I wouldn't be able to concentrate. All along, he had been dead. The tears just flowed and flowed. There was a gap between the seats and I knew the Korean guy behind could see me clearly, but I didn't care, I just cried and cried all the way till the plane touched down. My Dimple is gone. I have rather neglected last time in June. I wanted to make it up to him. I dreamt of feeding Dori and him carrot, taking those cute videos where both of them snatch the carrots. I wanted to take him in my arms and caress his head. My greedy little Dimple. the one who is always eating everything. The one who found a mango in my maids' room and started eating it, skin and all. I remember the first time I saw you in the shop. That little black spot beside your nose. I thought, you are so cute. We didn't but you just yet, but I went home and kept thinking of what name to give you. We settled with Dimple. Dimple, my little rabbit who likes running around and we couldn't catch you back. The one that would fight with Danke, the one that wouldn't allow Dori to eat first. I love you Dimple boy, though I still have no idea what your gender is ....
Dearest DImple, you'll always be in my heart. I'll never forget you. And when I sat on the car on my way home, I was afraid. I was afraid to look at the cage and see only one solitary rabbit. Poor poor Dori. Dimple grew up with her. They played together, slept together, ate together. And now one is gone...We reached the house. and suddenly my maid screamed out, "I see something white. I see something white." My dad said to me previously, " Dimple has turned small again."I finally understood what he meant. My dad bought a new rabbit. He's all white, like Dimple, except for a few black marks on his back. and he has a black mole next to his nose, just like Dimple. He was small and cute. I looked at him, and felt comforted. Then, I saw DOri in her cage, lonely and sad. As I pet her gently, I felt so sad. It felt empty without Dimple. It felt weird. Normally, DImple would peek out of his cage to look out for food. He will sniff around curiously. But he's not in the cage. Dimple's gone...Then, I heard barks. I turned. and saw Danke. and was shocked. he was huge now. The size of an adult dog. and he leapt up and jumped up and dirtied my shirt. oh well, he hasn't changed. Well, I feel better now. But I still miss Dimple. when my brother told me how thin DImple was, I thought, I can't wait to go home and take care of DImple and make him fat again. But I guess I came too late...
I shall take good care of Dori now. I heard she was unwell a few days ago. and I shall take care of the new baby rabbit. They named him Yoga, but I thought, yucks, what a name. SO i shall rename him Dim dim.SIGH what a day.
oh well, at least i feel so much better now. But it was embarassing crying on the plane. Because when the plane touched down, I have stopped crying. and then I stood up. and the Korean guy kept glancing at me curiously. oopps. I think he saw me... oh well, I shall look to Dim dim and Dori.


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