La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Monday, March 28, 2005

(ACK! My blogger is in Chinese.. can you believe it?)

Anyways, school today was... whew.. totally tiring! Went to school, reached just in time as usual (gosh! that's the earliest i can reach school!) Had to photocopy my results slip, by the time I came back I was so confused what was happening already cos I missed a lot of things. We were supposed to put our valuables in this envelope, which the rest of my OG has already done. And at that moment, Rini just arrived. So, we ran after the trash bags where the envelopes were put. This other Catholic High guy also hadn't done so, so we went there. By the time we got back, our whole OG was gone! haha.. they were in the LT. We had like countless and countless of boring talks. Then, skipped one talk and loitered off with Rini and two other girls from the OG.

After that, the talk finished and we went to the hall. And a formal introduction of the OG was finally made. hehe.. my OG people all very nice. There was this super hyper girl next to me, she's Atalia, used to be same class as kiki..haha.. she was telling me a little about the scandal. hmm, yup yup, my OG people all nice and friendly. Then we played a few short games, while eating biscuits. We weren't allowed to eat any food (i really mean any food) except those biscuits they provided. Sheesh.. trying to starve us. I ate one and didn't feel like having anymore.

We went to the track after that. They made us do lots of stupid things, push up positions, jumping jacks, whatever... we were under the hot sun for around 2 hours doing all these silly workouts. Finally, there was the telematch. haha.. i was the first one in my OG to do it.. kinda silly actually. Since I was the first, I did it properly. But the rest started cheating in the funniest way imaginable..haha.. kept laughing at everything. And due to our OGL's help in cheating.. Our OG won the telematch! Yayzers! Go OG1!! After that, we played Captain's ball. Our OG played against OG2. hoo.. pretty good players around. OG 2 had this really tall basketball girl..scary.. and she accidentally poked this guy from our OG in the eye or something, and his eye was like all red..

We were dismissed close to 6pm. It had been pretty ok. and they're starving us tomorrow again!! haha.. not going to eat any of those biscuits.. and must bring plenty of water too..


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