La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

ARGH! One of my worst nightmare came true today. I was in the bathroom ready to shower when this mounstrously huge cockroach appeared. WAAH! stupid stupid stupid.

Anyway, Hui Bing very kindly sent me an e-mail to tell me the posting results will be out on 22nd. Phew, thank goodness she told me. Ack, that means I have to go back on the 22nd..have to call the ticket person and foward my flight day..but I don't get why they have to call students to report the next day. I mean, that's like..2 days orientation? then there's Good Friday, so we have friday off. So..interrupted. might as well start school the week after next right? Anyways, to those going Poly..have fun and enjoy your slack/work days..

Yesterday my dad continued talking to the guests till past 8. I was so bored..then I went and changed the batteries for my CD player and listen to Clef's CD..hahah..It's really brilliant! Love the moonlight fantasy one and our destiny. But where is the singing? huh huh huh? when the lich queen king say can let me hear must let me hear ok? Was looking at the lyrics and laughing because I keep thinking of Mindy's distortion of the lyrics the other day..hahah..Hey Clef, when your album comes out must tell us ok? we go and buy then you must autograph for us..heheh.. bored here again.. stuck at home everyday of my life. Probably getting fat bcos everyday just sit/sleep/slack on the sofa and gobbling down chocolates. Waah..I miss everyone. Missed the reunion last night..haiz..don't get to see the Nutsies..and by the time I get back to Singapore, everyone will probably be too busy with work/school to meet up.

Anyway, anybody wants presents? Keropok? Kue lapis? Keripik Singkong? guys want anything just tell me ok, I buy for you all. Before I left, that communist so thick skinned ask for present, so maybe I shan't give him any. evil. Hmm..maybe should get some cow candies for kixie again..haha..OH! Give nuts to the Nutsies!! great idea! But I can't lug a huge coconut to Singapore yah..Then, must give Sally a lot of food to make her less skinny. Must give Mindy a lot of food also so she got less time to talk nonsense. Cannot give Clef food..haiyah..never mind, give him all the preserved food so he can start eating them when he gets to Poly. many things to buy and I only have 2000 Rupiah and that's..40 cents..haha..


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