La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

YAY! Finally got out of house today.

Went to church in the morning, then me, my parents and my grandma went to Plaza Senayan. We ate dim sum for lunch. haha..sounds weird, it's saying we ate breakfast (dian xin) for lunch. haha..after that, we just shopped around. I wanted to get a pair of sneakers but my mom said they all looked so uncomfortable. haha.. we went to a number of shoe places, and my dad ended up trying a lot of shoes instead of me. and he's really picky and all that. And halfway we met one of church pastors browsing for basketball shoes with his son. His son..ok la..tall but ok looking..hehehe..

then we went to other shops like Nike Adidas blabla..finally we came to the Reebok shop. And I was looking at the shoes and..ohmicrod..the guy attending to us is so cute! huehuehue...I like his eyes, there's a friendly twinkle in it that reminds me of...heheheh..never mind. in the end i bought Reebok shoes, not bcos of the nice Reebok guy tho...haha.. or it could be.. =P

Later I went to another shop and saw this pair of sneakers that i really really really love. It's like khaki colour and the top flap is checkered. love it..but sadly no size..waaah.. T_T

erm..yep, so we just walked around. And i finally got a glimpse of some ang-mohs. They are like so rare to be found in my area, but when you go the the city..they start appearing. hehe..saw one cute one that I think Mindy will like..haha..should have kidnapped him and bring back to Mindy.

Ate pisang goreng for dinner, yayzers..this has been a very gawkalot entry, haha..not trying to steal gawkalot's name tho.. i'm still dreamalot! :D


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