La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I had so many bad omens yesterday i thought that I'd be refused admission today or something. got extra worried and all. and i dreamt a horrible dream of worms in my clothes. EWWWWWWWWW

Anyways, i wasn't refused admission. but something DID go wrong. i was supposed to write this statment bfore the test, and below was actually the carbon copy or something. but i didn't noe. so i shifted all the papers. when i finished writing.. to my horror.. the paper below, all the writing went sideways and completely out of the line. AH HECK! The person didn't say anything anyways. such things always happen to me one. I remember.. once during O levels.. while pasting the sticker thingy, i didn't do it properly and to my shock, all the ink from the sticker started coming out. I was like OH GOSH OH GOSH WHAT TO DO... it turned out okay anyways.. haha

The test was.. okay. I was such a nervous wreck that i couldn't do listening properly. the short conversations were okay cos i could concentrate. but for the long conversation i got a bit nervous and the first and second conversation completely escaped me. When i came to the question i was like ..WHAT? i didn't hear!! i dunno!! but for subsequent ones, i guess it was okay.

Structured was... well rather tricky. I know one of my mistakes already. stupid me. should've put the other one. I knew that it was wrong. but AHH SHUCKS! but i guess i was feeling rather heck care by the time i was answering the structured questions. then i had a 5 min break. gayly went to the toilet to talk to myself. hahaha.. cos nobody was inside. so i was just talking aloud to myself. like OH GOSH i think i'm going to die. blablala.. stared at myself in the mirror and said, let's go. then went back and took the rest of the test. Did the compre.. it wasn't too bad. as usual, i was rather heck care about it. Half the time, i just read and when answering the question can't be bothered to refer back to the passage. read thru it once and submitted it. can't be bothered to check more. and i finished half an hour early for this bit. hahahaa...

the essay is HORRRRIBBLE!!! totally boring topic. Something about there's a plan to build a movie theater in my neighborhood and do i support it or not.. HMMPH i wrote super short cos i dunno wad to write plus i was running out of time.

anyways, i got the average marks. Here goes:
Listening: 28
Structured: Forgot the range
Comprehesion:30 (if this is the real thing.. I GOT PERFECT SCORE FOR THIS BIT!!)
Essay: ???
Total range: 233-290

My aim: 266. 250 ++ is okay la.

Anyways, i happily finished everything and came out. (i was probably the first to scoot out of the test centre) then got home happily and found that i was LOCKED OUT cos my maid was gone dunno where and i didn't bring keys. waited outside for 45 mins and got so fed up and unbearably hot. couldn't stand it anymore. i climbed to the second floor, crawled out through a side window, balanced myself on some window sill, crossed over to the other side and crawled into my house window and jumped in. VOILA! I'm officially a burglar.. okay.. thank goodness none of my neighbours saw me. It was fun too. I think i've gotten over my fear of heights ever since climbing that web thingy. Being high up makes me feel excited.. WOOT! I feel so free. Unfortunately.. second floor isn't very high.


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