La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I think I've changed. What am I saying, people change all the time. But i feel this time the change is more drastic to the extent that I can actually feel it.

It's not really a change in interest. I mean, people's interest changes all the time for goodness sake. But undeniably of course, my interest has changed a slight bit. For example, I have suddenly started loving animes.. haha. and suddenly I'm listening to anime/game Jap songs and find that hey, they're pretty good. But that doesn't mean I have abadoned my GREAT love for Bagpipes. Or the lovely country and the twanging banjoes. I've merely expanded my interest.

I've also decided that i am not capable of appreciating an art film. If the ability to do so makes one an intellectual being, i'll say wadever, i'm a brainless idiot. I mean, who can really judge what is art and what's not. Those artistic people are probably screaming at me about being a fool, but oh well, i just don't like it. The only form of the film they called artistic that i like are probably those war films. Well, it they are considered an art anyways.

and I realise i don't like French shows.. haha.. not my type anyways. I've watched about 4 to 5 French films so far.. and i didn't really like anything. The only one i like is probably the Blue Bicycle (which i never got to finish hiks...) but I heard Amelie is good, maybe i should watch it.

Well, interests are one thing, but perception is another. I think my perception of things is starting to change to an extent i dunno what it is anymore. hmm? what am i talking about? i dunno myself.

Well, it's like, I used to think the whole world is bad. Yeah, oh well, it's true to an extent. But what if you look at it the other way. There must be a little bit of good in people, even if it's hardly visible. I believe that no matter how evil a person is, there has to be a hint of good. Of course, when your kid gets murdered by this guy, it's almost impossible to accept that that guy has any good in him. But oh well, maybe there is, but people don't want to know.

And i used to have this warped perception. It's like if you don;t like what I like, you're stupid and i don't like you. haha.. it's like YOU HATE BAGPIPES? I HATE YOU! it's kind of silly really. I'm sure we're created differently that's why we all like different things. let's just say, I like to read and analyse stuffs. and then this other person hates reading and loves all things on fashion. But it's not fair for me to say that person is stupid and shallow just because she does what she likes. i mean, if the person likes something different, just let the person do whatever he/she wants and stop criticising one another just because of different interests. If one could just stop saying "you shallow woman" and the other "you stupid nerd", things would be great, no?

But that doesn't mean I'm a Saint. If you don't like what I like, i will whack you and scream "ARE YOU BLIND?" or whatever is relevant to the topic. NYAHAHA

I don't know whether these changes are good or bad, but oh well. ANyways, I'm still trying to change some of my bad habits. I'm still learning how to love people. i mean, loving someone is an incredibly difficult thing for me to do. Well, I'm trying to love people i dislike. Like a certain teacher, I used to really really hate her for some inexplainable reason. I just didn't like it that this teacher always frowned and i hardly saw her smile (maybe). anyways, i tried to interact more in her class and quit being the stupid sulky brat. Well, i can't say I LOVE that teacher, but yes... i realise it's not THAT bad. and i used to dislike this person in my class. I thought the person to be snobbish and cold. but now I realise again that I was wrong. That person was nice and fun to be with. hehe.. I better stop judging people.

Anyways, I learnt Vietnamese today. haha.. so fun. and i made friend with this Vietnamese girl (who was my Vietnamese teacher) haha. Then helped to put up 2 of the SFC banners. It was Sooo tiring, but hey, it was quite fun. It feels great to help out.. hehe i didn't realise.


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