La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Friday, August 26, 2005

OUCH! I keep having headaches these few days, and i have no idea why. Am i like developing a migraine? Brain tumour maybe.. MAYBE I'M DYING!! HOY, people out there who's still HAPPILY bullying Eric, shouldn't you have some pity and stop tormenting my darlingkins. Thankewverymuch.

AND crazy Vicki was shouting loudly in front of her whole class: "You're going out with Eric right? I can see it in your eyes." I was like WTH la! Crazy Vicks. Next time there will be PAYBACK!!!

Hmm.. I'm in the mood to splurge. I splurged on a hair clip today. It cost me $1.50.. wooh.. i've hardly bought anything for myself other than food. haha but actually there's a lot a lot of things i would like to get. but i keep thinking, i'll get them when i grow up. so stupid la. i think i'll be too broke to buy anything when i grow up, so i should buy them now rite.

Anyways, I think i might buy Downfall, or maybe Amen, or maybe The Devil's Armour. and i think i should just save up really long so i can get the first braveheart soundtrack. I do so wish I have an I pod. I want to listen to music without having to bring a dozen of CDs on a CD player that cannot be charged and have to run on batteries. XD AND I LOST MY BATTERY CHARGER!!! which means i now have to buy a dozens of batteries instead of using my rechargeable batteries.

Hmm, i think i shall burn myself a CD. These days, I'm rocking to Josh Gracin and Keith Urban. COolio!


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