La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

What always happens whenever I come back to Indo?
I fall love.
ok, joking!
I fall sick. ALWAYS! UGH. I hate it!
It started with Monday night, I finished watching 007 and ugh nasty stomachache. So i went to bed thinking everything will be fine when i wake up the next morning. Apparently not. The whole night, my stupid stomach is being poked with daggers from the inside. Finally, at 4am, couldn't stand it anymore, I went to my mom's room and complain. Puked 3 times throughout the night, BLEH! The next day, I just slept and slept and slept.
Being sick is so boring....
and now my ear is blocked. stupid ear.
Anyway, I want to meet three of my reviewers on Saturday. But I don't know whether I can make it or not...sigh...they all live so far away. Plus I have to go to church with Sofia on Saturday also and I have no idea what time. SIGH. plus my dad has his church programs to plan on Saturday evening, so I don't think he can send me. aiyah, dunno lah. hopefully things will sort itself out.
ugh. I hate opening blogger. took me half an hour just to open this page so I can blog.


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