La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

You know you're addicted to LOTR when...

1)You now have a lifetime fear of black horses!
2)You have sssudenly developed a hisssing lisssp every time you sssay the letter ssss.
3)You have begun calling your husband / wife / girlfriend/ boyfriend / animal or kid my precioussss. (ahaha... sure sounds like me)
4)At Christmas time relatives find you chatting with the tree and sharing eggnog draughts
5)Single ads with the description," short plump and big hairy feet" seem much more appealing. (er...hahaha)
6)You have a mouse named Frodo, a bird named Gollum, and a dog named Gandalf. And that cat that keeps coming around to be petted is Legolas.
7)You think the names of the 7 dwarves from Snow White are: Gimli, Gloin, Thorin, Gili, Nili, Ori, and Bambour.
8)You've become strangely obsessed with mushrooms.
9)You change your name by deed poll to a Tolkien character and seriously consider naming your children after LOTR characters. (aye! let's do it!)
10)You stand in the doorway and tell your cat that he 'Can not pass'.
11)You wash your face in the sink and expect to see things that are, that have been or that will be.
ahahaha.. so funny.. click for more.

Your Inner European is Irish!
Sprited and boisterous!You drink everyone under the table.

YAY! Irish! and my Irish name is Áine Ahearne, i wonder how you pronounce that..


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