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Friday, September 23, 2005

Hehe.. for this month I seemed to have developed special interest in Chinese class. especially since my old Chinese teacher is back. And motivated by Irene, I've been doing some extra Chinese work as well. (when others are mugging for stuffs like history or economics...) Anyways, was rather motivated by the marks. I got 75!!! That's like O_O for Chinese. and i actually got full marks for summary (that's like IMPOSSIBLE!!) which i was actually doing during Lit lecture. (oops!)

I'm quite worried for my GP. seems like my English standard has dropped considerably ever since i got to JC. Suddenly I'm speaking tons more English than i ever did in SMSS. I think i have forgotten how to write in English! I'm even finding trouble writing "love" now!! I guess all that Nazi story writing in the past was a form of practice. Now i hardly write anything to the extent that I've forgotten how to write!!

Blast those mosquitoes! WIsh they would stop biting me! I just sat here for 5 mins for goodness sake.

Anyways... after History consultation today.. I FEEL A GREAT SENSE OF... PANIC!!!!!!!! AHHH! It's like i'm totally clueless man. Everything's SO confusing! I'm like totally blank when it come to the globalisation of the Cold War. How dreadfully confusing! It's no wonder I failed that test on the Vietnam War. It's so confusing!

The Vietnam War has got me thinking. One time, I was doing this quiz on which political figure are you or something of that sort. and there was one that goes like this: You are Ho Chi Minh. You are evil.. etc.
and I was like... No, that is not true! Not that I am a fervent supporter of communism or anything of that sort. But it is a gross misperception to think that Ho is evil just because many died in the Vietnam War. it's not his fault! I bet the Person is American anyways. But I think people should be re-educated about the fact that just because someone is your enemy doesn't mean he is evil. Moreover, All Ho wanted was independence. I see nothing wrong with that, considering how disgusting a colonial master the French can be at times. Basically, i find the whole Cold War rather pointless. and the superpowers were kinda busybodies themselves to get involved in one country that is just fighting for freedom. Who cares about communism or democracy? All people want are peace, food, shelter... they don't care what kind of system their govt is as long as they're happy! WHo in this world would be happy if your country is in war??

I think it's tragic! This world is a very nasty place. I think Vietnam would be so much more prosperous than it is now if things have been different. According to my SEAsian Hist readings, Vietnam had all the necessary factors to industrialise unlike some other colonies. But the French didn't allow them (surprise surprise!) and the French were the most restrictive colonial power. Any sane person would want to boot them out of the place if they had the chance.

What if the French had been a nicer colonial master? What if the Americans never intefered? It's kinda mystifying to think of what would happen but it's all so pointless now. Vietnam is the way it is now and honestly, there's nothing anyone can really do about it. Sometimes History can get so depressing. Do people actually learn from history? Isn't that the purpose? why bother memorising facts? Aren't you supposed to learn from the past and apply them to the present and future? Apparently not. Nobody ever learnt anything from history. It's human nature. We just love making the same old mistakes.


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