La nuova alba

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch ... ich möchte dich jeden Tag sehen!

Saturday, September 17, 2005


*sigh* I'm gonna flunk my promos! I'm not studying. Everytime I sit down I end up staring blankly ahead. I'm trying sometimes for Economics, but it's way beyond me. and i have absolutely no more motivation to study for HIstory. Ever since I flunk that test, i never really wanted to bring out my history notes again. I know when you fail, it's supposed to motivate u to work harder and ace something. But I don't know, i feel like I don't know how to study it anymore. And I used to be able to go through the readings and understand some things, now my brain isn't even concentrating as I scan through the readings. Suddenly, it's all meaningless to me. I just feel.. Heck, do people really learn from History? Look at all the countries now, do they even take note of the lessons of HIstory? In fact, some of them are learn wrongly from history. After WW2 they get so uptight about little things and caused a whole lot of conflict in return. and then these conflicts lead to more conflicts and the cycle goes on and on and on. How laborous. That's why i never liked politics. I'd rather leave it to em politicians to quarrel amongst themselves while I'll just my little life. Wish we're hermits sometimes eh?

BLAH! I always feel like this when exam's coming. BUt it's true. Everyone's working their butt off and I'm sitting here wondering on a lot of things. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME! They say when you work hard for something, you will get results. Most of the time it's true. But sometimes you can only try so hard, get nothing in return and feel disappointed. it doesn't apply to me anyways. I don't deserve results, because I don't work! I'm rotting........

Thank goodness my CD players out of batt. Once I turn on the Braveheart soundtrack, I'll be sucked into a dream and i'll never come out.


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